in The evening, in Numbers?

5,5 – hours of the Premiere of “justice” on the peacocks at the weekend: the stage adaptation of Friedrich dürrenmatt, unbarmherzigem, and an exuberant novel about that from the mills of our justice is not always justice trickles out lasted. And that the question of guilt in the light of the passing ages of the earth anyway is relative; a possibility of innocence. Everything remains forever opaque.

30-40 – musical quotes accent, this 330 minutes and befingerten times delicate, at other times coarser, our inner life: Ernst Oster’s soldier’s song “The night is without end” (1941), Dominique Grand jeans self-resolution fantasy “Campari Soda dreamy” from the seventies, and the rock revolution, criticism of the post-reunification Era, “longing for the rat-catcher” from Ex-GDR-singer-songwriter Gerhard Gundermann to the “Pink Panther”Theme Song. A duration of the massage was the Aufführungswummer of a carpet of Sound under (music: William Minke).

Julia Kreusch plays the raped daughter so that you must be hard to swallow.

10 actors and Actresses give the personnel of the novel, the writer began 1957, shortly put away and only in 1985 was finished with them. In doing so, he transformed the crime into a philosophical pilgrimage. And the Zurich-based performers to pray, as it were, from Station to Station, in fiery monologues, sweaty dialogues and criminalistic re-enactments: such a fantastic Alexander Scheer as the young, hungry lawyer Late, that is engaged in spite of his resistance, of a member of the Parliament Kohler, the in the jam-Packed crown hall has shot and killed a literature Professor; Robert Hunger-Bühler, in Black, with sunglasses has something of a fun-loving Blues Brother, but in his Kohler is also an unstirred God who joins people like billiard balls to the gang and leaves you helpless, more of a spin. By Späts use of the killer Kohler comes free of the case, is checked; Late want to kill him, sinking in a drunken stupor. Fanfare for the appearance of the editor, Friedrich Dürrenmatt, which takes in part III of the novel, his own immorality as a fiction, Bauer target – Tusch for Ueli Jäggi!

Robert Hunger-Bühler, in front of the Café. Time is running out. 9 – year-old Mikis Kastrinidis, the son of Director Frank Castorf, who plays in Zurich at the side of his mother Irina Kastrinidis, an Ex-girlfriend Castorf’s production, which, among other things, the geese vengeful daughter Kohler, Hélène, skin, carcinogen. This had once been the Professor of literature and the Lover of his daughter raped. Mikis Kastrinidis has not only a walk-on role in Castorf’s production of the seventh work of the Schauspielhaus in Zurich, but he represents the crippled daughter of the business magnate Steier man – which had, in turn, ordered the rape of the beautiful Hélène. Yes, Dürrenmatt has even more twists in stock. Finally, here is the solution of the Case, but the impossibility of this solution – any solution, in view of our complex from the inside rotten existence.

child (Castorf’s production of nine-year-old son) on the piano in the dark Züri-night.

3 – real existing buildings in the city of Zurich were here by Aleksandar Denic on a turntable is raised and nested within a modernist stage picture miracle building office Justitia sculpture together: the Corbusier house from the Seefeld, the Belcafé of the Bellevue station, and the Sexkino Roland of the long road. It is full of nooks and crannies, such as the Labyrinth of earthly delights, the Denic 2017 for Castorf’s production of Dostoyevsky frenzy raised in the shipbuilding industry.

1 is the most important number. Frank Castorf, this text-eaters, this Master of Collage, was this time – the Diogenes publishing house insisted on it – nothing Strange klittern how he does it otherwise. There is only a single author provides the text passages. However, the layer Dürrenmatt, with the Ex-the people’s stage, the boss never has to, and in whose work he’s falling now, uncontrollably. There is, gently cut down, the wild 240-pager took and a lot of other things, what fits.

For example, dürrenmatt, bitter evil “Swiss Psalm III”, 1971. There I thirst for the lyrical, as a lawyer Late for justice. But, it means in the Psalm, addressed directly to Switzerland: “The Asses of your prosecutors and judges / loads so heavy on her that I can take the word “freedom” is little more that you’re constantly in the Maule”. The dirty trade in arms, the receptivity for the million, of foreign tax evaders, the hypocritical Faith in the army, think of implacability they are Different: The national anthem of the as a traitor denounced the author takes all of this on the grain. The piece, for the Castorf stage created version, also.

So Jan Bülow out vomit because of the “crap”Tirade from “Hercules and the stables of Augias,” He whines a desperate man, bisexual friend Späts just as gorgeous on the boards as the despairing peasant victims of judicial affair. And the Live-Cam zooms in on each of the drops of Perspiration in his distorted face.

A Zoom on the broken characters

The 1993 Geissendörfer filmed novel is when Castorf to – the- theatre movie. The stage disc revolves, turns us to the facades of this whores buzzed round concrete-and-glass cube, which tells the story of Pseudo-transparency and decadence. And we are the voyeurs, watching via Live-Cam, when Daphne extraordinary Julia Kreusch – is brutally raped, or the fat shark in a suit, his Speeches and his croissants devouring (Nicolas Rosat, hilarious).

Andreas Deinert zooms us spuckenah to the broken characters and the violence, Castorf’s production of directed by it unrestrained. And produces a continuous, unusual for him Aestheticization of The world, just seem to (Be -). Yes, this novel transplant what was worth seeing (not school-suitable). Anyone else would just as blithely, the all-too-sprawling monologues, the barren plot aufdrösel, the unnecessary dancing together deleted, we would be thrilled, defenseless, mitgerollt such as Kohler’s billiard ball people; 100 Per. (Editorial Tamedia)

Created: 14.04.2019, 14:10 PM