“The orange reading is black for many”

“the Economist: Only the one who can live on half of the final salary can sit back.”

“This is an opinion piece. It is the writer who stands for the views that are put forward in the text, not Against.”

“the DEBATE. In the next few days will be sent closer to the 5.9 million orange envelopes out to the Swedish pension. For many, it is no fun to read, in so far as it is comprehensible for the recipient. In order to be able to live in the present in the future, the need of awareness among the majority of the pension increase.”

“Historically, has the Swedish people been able to rely on the state pension will be sufficient to live on the day you retire. In any case, for those who have worked full-time during the greater part of his working life. So has the social contract been between the population and the state. In a study that Danske Bank has made, I also think a third of the swedes to the state responsible for the pension. It is worrying. “

“If you mean that the state has full responsibility for the future of the pension, many would have to make major changes in their lives. The current debate can give the impression that you yourself do not need to exert themselves much to get a good pension, so long as you pay taxes. “

“More need to come to the realization that private pension savings will be crucial for how their own finances will look like when it is time for retirement.”

“the Calculations from Danica Pension shows that a 40-year-old, which today stands without a private pension, and who have a gross income of 30 000 sek before tax and covered by collective bargaining agreements, may settle around 53 per cent of her salary as a lifetime pension payments with the current rules. It corresponds to 15 800 sek before tax. This means that many people will be forced to reduce their standard of living greatly the day they stop working.”

“the Lack of knowledge on how the pension system works also becomes especially visible when Daniel Barr, Director general of the Authority recently noted that many pension do not know if they have an occupational pension. Without occupational pensions, many that don’t even reach up to reach 53% of their final salary when it is time for retirement. Add to that that you will have more time to what we today regard as hobbies , and that they want to devote their life to after work.”

“Today many are also active within the so-called gig economy, flexible and short assignments. These represent a growing group that is outside the security system and who often do not have an occupational pension which means that a private pension is even more important and crucial for the financial security. “

“this is becoming an increasingly important issue for both politicians and society, but also for the banks to adapt to, by his advice. Otherwise, simply a great group to be fattigpensionärer. A group who believed that they have done what is required of it, namely, the worked and paid taxes.”

“another important piece of the puzzle is to create increased incentives for private pension saving – something man, on the contrary, has declined in recent years by the absence of any right of deduction, and higher taxes on savings. It may be about to introduce a tax deductible retirement savings, or to introduce a particular, the conditions for retirement savings in investment savings accounts (ISK), which has a more attractive tax rate.”

“We must, therefore, strengthen the incentives and make long-term savings more attractive and beneficial. For us it’s about to give wise advice for how much should be set aside for retirement, how to think about salary, respectively, dividend to cope with parental leave, unemployment or illness, and, not least, how to get credit rating in order to, for example, be able to borrow to buy a home.”

“As it looks today can only think that it can live on half their final salary, sit back. It is time to turn the pensionspyramiden and acquire a pension plan. “

“nMaria Landeborn, sparekonom, Danske Bank Sweden”

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