“Right-wing collides with christian values,”

“Slutreplik to combine kärleksbudskapet with closed borders and lgbtq-hate”

“This is an opinion piece. It is the writer who stands for the views that are put forward in the text, not Against.”

“REPLICA. The new right devoid of the answers to the important questions about how we build a society for all. But instead of developing their policies do the populist stance on ”christian values” in order to build a false sense of belonging and establish an ”us against them” opposite to the christian trostraditionen.”

“For us as believers, christians are ”christian values” synonymous with justice and mercy. It can never be about setting boundaries and exclude people from the protection, help and security. This applies to all people in our country, as well as those who come here away from disasters.”

“When the worldly powers throughout history have sought religious legitimacy to immoral deeds, they have, unfortunately, often found opportunistic minions in the throne. Now, they are trying again. It is up to us as believers today to resist and not allow our ideals of humanity and solidarity hijacked by forces that want to make a difference on people.”

“in the Past, this was a matter of course also for other christians in politics. There was an implied respect between christians to both the left and the right in issues of international solidarity and support for society’s vulnerable. It went to bottom out in the människokärleken and at the same time, have radically different opinions about the best way to put it into action. Now it seems instead to be the very dignity of the human being questioned. “

“Some christian right-wingers seem to be drawn with a frightening march out in the intolerant undergrowth. But they try to pretend that it is we who monopolise the question, we hold on to the smallest common denominator that united christians in politics in decades. “

“The christian values that the new right is now trying to seize is not in any way essentially different from, for example, islamic or jewish values. These three religions are different creatures, but they drink essentially from the same watering hole. They respect the same prophets, and reflects, in large parts of the same texts.”

“It is not possible, as the new right claims, to combine the radical kärleksbudskapet with closed borders, lgbt-hate and moralizing lectures about the suburb. Love to almost have to include those who are different than ourselves.”

““I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink, I was homeless and you took care of me, I was naked and you gave me clothing, I was sick and you looked to me, I was in prison and you visited me u002F…u002F Verily, what ye have done it unto one of these least of my brethren, you have done for me.””

“My next is the one who cannot support himself, the one who is discriminated against, foreign, sick, or alone. Therefore, the clash of christian values with the new right’s agenda on every conceivable plan: Our christian values realized through the renovation of the suburb, to break the segregation, combating discrimination in the labour market, provide redress to the oppressed minorities and to include more people, regardless of faith, in the community.”

“nAnna Ardin, a deacon and member of the social democrats for faith and solidaritetnIngalill Dahlgren Nyberg, pastor and member of the social democrats for faith and solidarity”

“the Article is a slutreplik. Read the full the debate here – ”