“The Swedish labour market is gender-segregated”

“Annika Strandhäll: Here are the questions we in the government must prioritize”

“This is an opinion piece. It is the writer who stands for the views that are put forward in the text, not Against.”

“the DEBATE. We shall create a world where men and women are given the same opportunities for life and development. This is one of the government’s most important goals. In the society, should not the power, economy or life chances are limited by your gender. “

“throughout history, people have struggled to create a more equal society. Now it is up to us to carry the torch on.”

“today we live in a society with unequal distribution of power and income. We are continuing with a gender-segregated labour market, where men and women work in different sectors. “

“the Female-dominated fields have lower wages, higher proportion of part-time hours and higher risk for ill health. It is also linked to women have the main responsibility for home and family.”

“We will not solve all the problems through the efforts of a more equal parenting. It will of course require more efforts than that. But it helps to. It is unreasonable that women should have to start a second shift at home, when they come home from work. That it is unsustainable is obvious. “

“It is to a great extent women’s duplication of work that lies behind to women is twice as much sick leave as men. In addition, every other woman who is on sick leave, it is because of mental illness.”

“the Receipt of our gender inequality society we see in women’s pension statement. When every earned penny counts may inequality over the life course major consequences for the pension. On average, women have 6 000 sek less than men in pension, every month. “

“things are moving in the right direction, but too slowly. We still have a long way to go. We are a feminist government, and I will do my part to bring gender equality forward during this term of office. “

“Here are some questions that need to be prioritized.”

“► A gender equal parenting and children’s playing field. We shall introduce a family week. Parents should not be left alone in the stress and pressure it means to combine family and work. We shall take föräldraförsäkringsutredningens proposals, in favour of increased equality in the socket and the child’s right to both their parents. Exactly how do we get to come back on, but the ambition is clear.”

“► Combat ill-health and insecurity. Women should have jobs that keep them healthy. After demands from the government, the social partners have intensified their efforts to create healthy workplaces. This work need give effect. An investigation is underway over health insurance, with a review of specific reasons and normal work, as well as security in the event of ill-health for those who have a precarious employment.”

“► Equal and safe pensions. Everyone deserves to live a good life and have a secure pension. Old age should never mean poverty. Therefore, we raise the next year bostadstillägget and many school for the pensioners, who have it the toughest, which 80 per cent are women. We also want to make improvements for those who worked a lifetime with low pay. It is not at least about the women who have worked in the welfare system. At the same time, we want to strengthen the pensions of our children and grandchildren through increased contributions to the pension scheme.”

“This is the necessary reforms in a time where gender equality is challenged, both globally and in Sweden. I’m not afraid to take the debate on men’s and women’s equal rights and conditions. We cannot afford to be afraid. We need to move forward.”

“today pay women with their health and pay, later in life with their pension, and that gender equality is too slow. Now it is time for a change, to roll up their sleeves and make a real difference. It is I, and the government is ready to do.”

“nAnnika Strandhäll, social insurance (S)”

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