The former co-host Lina Thomsgård and Daniel Sjölin has openly talked about the treatment they received in connection with a request for parental leave.

– We recognize ourselves in these stories. The vulnerability of freelancers and agency staff is something that we are constantly debating, ” says Hanna Nyberg, Journalistklubbens the chairman of the SVT.

in the interview, Lina Thomsgård did with Kristoffer Triumf in the podcast ”the Task”. Thomsgård, who was previously the presenter of the programme ”Kobra”, then told us why she left her job as presenter of the now defunct culture.

Lina Thomsgårds decision, she says, was because she was pregnant and wanted to take maternity leave. She must have been told that she might not get to continue on their services.

– You should not have to choose between being with their child and to have left his job, says Lina Thomsgård, which also tells us that it was not fun to hear that someone else would become the ”flavour of the week”.

” the Stuff you don’t want to hear after two years gone all out to be a SVT-profile. Then I became really angry and sad, ” says Lina Thomsgård in ”the Task”-the interview.

Hanna Nyberg, Journalistklubbens the chairman of the SVT. Foto: Tor Johnsson

she reacted strongly to the story:

– When she tells it on the ”flavor of the week”, then I was pissed. The exposure is great for those who do not have secure jobs here. This applies not only to the presenters, but also temporary staff, contractors and bemanningsanställda; forms of employment as the SVT used for several years in order to avoid fastanställa, ” says Hanna Nyberg and continues:

– A modern workplace looks that way, and it is very good to SVT now to hear it from more than the tray. This is the things that can lead to that we lose good skills because we can’t offer good enough employment. Just last week, we had two negotiations on the int shall lasas.

his experience in a column in Expressen Culture, and later also in SVT:s Morgonstudion. He claims also have the experience of feel pressured not to take out parental leave when he was working as a television presenter at SVT:s litteraturprogram ”Babylon”.

”Thomsgård have been treated much worse than I, but with the same methods. Intimidation is the ancient SVT, and the bottoms of their inveterate organisationsnarcissism: a blind infiniteness in the behavior toward foreign workers,” writes Daniel Sjölin, who also writes:

”I don’t know how many times during my years at SVT Culture in Stockholm that I saw significantly less privileged journalists get rödgråtna out of any of all of these toilets. The error they made was to wait for children, as mothers or fathers. They had put their best yrkesår SVT, and now they would not get a junk back. They were just on a freelance or project workers,” he writes.

I have full respect for the experience that it has been unclear when it comes to how the different forms of employment are described and the expectations or conditions that come with it.

the hr and corporate communications director at SVT, said on Tuesday the issues of fixed-term employment in a blog post. She writes that all forms of employment that are used on the SVT ”is regulated in accordance with Swedish law and collective agreements, which were signed with the representatives of our employees.”

– It is good that it is discussed here, also to see if we can get more insight and see if there are things we can do differently. But there is a part yvighet of the argument, and it is good that you get the opportunity to clarify it, ” says Sabina Rasiwala to the DN.

” It is, of course, you can apply for parental leave with us and we will always grant it. However, you can’t seek parental leave if you do not have a contract with us, in the same way as that I can’t go into a business in town and ask if I can apply for parental leave where, “says Sabina Rasiwala, and continues:

” I have full respect for the experience that it has been unclear when it comes to how the different forms of employment are described and the expectations or conditions that come with it. And where we could certainly be better.

Sabina Rasiwala mentions that SVT’s programming is up for discussion was the eighteenth month, and the possible ways to renew itself.

– We put down some programs, start new programs, but above all, we are expected to develop the existing programs. It can mean many things: you can change the presenter, production location, content, or format – it is all the time a movement, and it is about our mission towards the audience. We must, and shall renew us, in relation to our licenses, ” she says.

” I don’t see it as a general problem because I know that some amazing talents to have freer the mission, want to be able to write books or cookbooks or whatever you want to. Then there are others who are looking for security, “says Sabina Rasiwala, and continues:

” I have full respect for our freelancers and those who work with fixed term employment is moving across the spectrum. However, I take the descriptions I’ve been given very seriously and are looking very much on the clarity and expectations, so that we can get better at it.

Hanna Nyberg says that the SVT can’t use sändningstillståndet as arguments to contractors, like Lina Thomsgård and Daniel Sjölin, to get short-term contracts.

” It says that we should have a variety of forms, with the disbursements, and external involvement. It can be achieved without having to break good custom in the labour market, which by repeated use of the workforce who work under precarious conditions, ” says Hanna Nyberg.