It’s not a very smooth phone call. Ibram X. Kendi is trying, in Washington, D. C., to get a Taxi, hangs up, rises, decreases, moves, at some point, the talk is of a Bus, but not for a second, he loses concentration on the subject matter. It is America’s history of racist ideas and the struggle is the same, to which he devoted his very acclaimed book, “Branded”:. Kendi, one of the most controversial historians of America, leads him in the struggle with himself – this is the subject of his next book.

To those who heard just the Black try, Hollywood. The movie “the Green Book”, for example, tells the story of a black concert pianist, a white racist in the sixties, driven by the southern States. A convincing attempt?
After all, what you hear, it’s one of those typical movies where a Black has problems and a white one need a Saviour. In these films, we are always in need of a white Savior.

Still time to Hollywood: The actor Liam Neeson has recently reported that he had to kill 40 years ago, after the rape of a friend by an unknown Black went to a Black. He ended with the words: “I am not a racist”. Also typical?
the Typical thing is that someone was accused of being a racist, only that he is not a racist. But he belongs to a category that there is not, according to my research. Very few people can explain what is racism, but all path are defined once. This is a contradiction.

What is a racist – your knowledge?
A man runs out of an ethnic hierarchy, on the assumption that a group is better than the other. Anti-racist ideas are based on the assumption that all groups are equal. Between these two opinions, there is nothing. Either – or. Therefore, there are no non-racists, but anti-racists.

you have to explain.
anti-racist is willing to admit that he has expressed racist ideas; he is anti-racist and understands the difficulties of ethnic groups as a result of a policy, not as a specific Individual or group problems. The idea of a non-racist, denies the existence of racism in General.

we Look at the practice. Many hopes rested on Barack Obama, the first black President. What is left of it?
Under Obama has been much talk of equality, there have been political efforts to reduce the injustice. He was built up as a brand, as a Symbol for the post-ethnic America, so that many mistakenly believe, now that they had elected the first Black President, had to overcome the racism. But black people were shot by police officers, their unequal treatment in education and in the law enforcement inventory.

journalist Ta-Nehisi Coates writes in his book, “We Were Eight Years in Power”, slavery was not contrary to American democracy, but their condition: the condition of white prosperity and white social equality. If oppression is the historical Foundation of America, how can it overcome them?
Nations arising from laws, conventions and rules that have led the United States to inequality. Although it is an old outdated policy, many Americans it is still as deeply American, or very normal. Who is providing this construction of the question stems, therefore, to the existence of America. Actually, you would have to exist forever, will never be abolished. It is true that racism is everywhere, but Americans can change that.

Donald Trump has become all the worse?
as for mobilization, he has brought more in movement than Obama. Many Americans have come to Ponder over the fundamental architecture of the company. In this respect, Trump was more useful. Anti-racists do their utmost to Trump remains a deviation and not a term governed.

describe in “Branded” three failed strategies against racism: self-sacrifice – and-White from voluntarily giving up Power, self-improvement – Black working on self-Overcoming of ignorance through education. If not, then what?
We have assumed in America that people operate racist policies, because of their racist thinking and that you think are racist, because they are uneducated. According to this theory, all the racist would have the ignorance to Think based on, you would be the core. But as I have studied the history of racist thinking, I discovered a trend: people have developed racist ideas to justify their racist Actions, and they explained to her racist Act with the inferiority of certain groups.

racist Act follows a drive. If this is not in their inner Beliefs, what then?

The probability that a Black goes to jail, is five times higher than for a White. In whose interest is that?
In almost all Federal States except for Maine prison inmates of the elections are excluded. A politician in a Swing State with one of the largest imprisoned population in the world would endanger his election victory, when he dismisses these people. Outside the prison, you would have to pay the Inmates the minimum wage, in prison, but you can use them cheaper. The private prison industry is thriving and insists that even more people will be locked up. Prosecutors, police and judges know that the requirement for acceptance of the prisoner to pay your Jobs at risk.

That almost sounds like a conspiracy. To harassment by the agents: they demand disturbance maneuvers, “Harassment,”. What?
Historically, changes only slightly, when the Powerful are forced to change by confrontation. If workers are protesting in front of a company, the Black at the tenure at a disadvantage, infringed the interests of this company, and it will possibly change this.

If you read your timeline ongoing injustice, the question arises: Why not protest the Black mass and force this change?
The people are busy with Survival. Many do not believe that an uprising would change anything. In addition, many have internalized the Belief that they are themselves the Problem.

your next book “How to Be an Antiracist” comes out in August. It revolves around this inner poisoning?
It is mainly on my personal development, my way of racist Thinking to the anti-racists.

you have discovered in itself racist Thinking? What time is it?
This is one of the decisive moments in my book, and that’s why I don’t want to betray him.

As a child? As An Adult?
As I studied, I was about twenty. The path began with my parents, with their notions of race and identity, some of which are anti-racist, but racist too, it was a double, a divided consciousness, that you gave to me. In my studies, I developed the desire to have a unified consciousness, the anti-racists. But the book touches on many aspects: What anti means racist Thinking for the biology, classes, culture, Gender, sexuality? It is a journey.

you from doing well?
you to take, but basically: Yes. the

(editorial Tamedia)

Created: 18.02.2019, 13:23 PM