Therefore, the shooting May up the vote

Theresa May wanted to avoid a humiliating defeat which could end up with that she forced to resign.\yet win her some time.\nMen the chance that she gets the EU to go along with renegotiation is microscopic.

To set the vote means that May must pay a high price. But the price had been even higher on her brexit-the contract has gone to a vote in parliament and been voted down by a very large margin.

that kind of defeat could have cost May work.

Now, she admittedly massive criticism from all quarters for that she allows the uncertain situation that the country finds itself in will continue. Still, companies have no idea what comes after 29 march next year. Just like all EUROPEAN citizens, including 100 000 swedes who are resident in the Uk. Everyone is forced to continue to hover in suspense despite the fact that it is only a little over three months left until it is supposed that the british should leave.

the Reason for that May have both the opposition and many members of his own party, and the small northern ireland party, the DUP, is that the united kingdom is liable to remain in the EU customs union for the foreseeable future. The reason is the warranty, called backstopp, which are in the skilsmässoavtalet and says that as long as the british can’t find one for the EU acceptable solution to the border dispute with northern Ireland, so continue the entire country to be left in the customs union.

This may not be the hard-line brexitörerna accept. They consider that the country then makes himself the dependent of the EU and are likely to end up in a situation where they are not allowed to meet their own trade agreements with other countries.

she Had carried out the vote as scheduled tomorrow, Tuesday, she had been one of the biggest defeats that any british prime minister met out in the house of commons.

instead, she will now head out on \

May be trying to convince various EUROPEAN leaders to agree to renegotiate the so-called backstopen. Or at least make it clear in a clearer way in the separate declaration as follows with the agreement, the british did not need to be left in the customs union forever.

The former was dismissed directly by the EU president-elect Jean-Claude Juncker.

” Our position remains, says Junckers spokesman. We will not renegotiate the agreement adopted at the EU summit on 25 november. As the president has already said, this is the deal, and the only possible plea deal.

Others are more sympathetic to the change in the non-binding declaration. But the question is if it helps. The text of the agreement is clear about the guarantee that it may not be a hard border between Ireland and northern Ireland. It doesn’t matter how many clarifications are entered in the separate declaration. It is the agreement that applies.\nMay I hope that if she can get the EU to give just a little so she’ll get more members in his own party to approve the agreement.

It is likely to fool yourself or just an attempt to win time.

May has not said when the vote now to get rid of . Maybe it will be before christmas. Maybe only in January.

By approaching deadline on 29 march hope May make their own critics nervous and might change the attitude.

The cancellation of the vote makes the opposition to sniff the morning air. Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn is pushing for a new election. If it has, it seems, nevertheless, that the labour party is prepared to endorse the requirement for a second referendum.

So the strange situation is that after two years of negotiations, that everything is still possible.

Britain could crash out of the EUROPEAN union, without a contract, or remain after a second referendum. It is the least likely option is that Mays contract finally approved.\nDramat continue for an indefinite period of time.