explosions, destruction. There is a crash, once again, huge on the screen. No wonder, Roland Emmerich, 63, is at work. The “Spielbergle from the sense of struggle,” as in the United States-working Swabian Director likes to be called, staged this Time a large battle from the Second world war, namely the one around the Midway Islands in the Pacific, the-the Name says it all – half way between the West coast of the United States and Japan. In June 1942, the two Nations fought a battle, which is seen as crucial for the outcome of the war.

What interested you in this battle?
Not the explosions, like me, like is said. But the people who were on opposite sides. And helped the democracy in an almost hopeless Situation to victory.

The Americans were actually inferior?
Total. You had a year and a half in advance of the Japanese in Pearl Harbor dupe and had much fewer ships than the opponent. But brave men have set themselves still in the aircraft and trying to win. Japan was a fascist country at the time, so it was a great victory of democracy. I think it’s a good topic, especially today.

attack from the air: Nick Jonas in “Midway”.

What do you mean exactly?
yeah, Well, everywhere, the new nationalism spills over. Donald Trump says before the UN calmly, globalisation is bad, nationalism, on the other hand well. And this, of course, “America first”. This is Bullshit.

But Trump could your portrayal of the US deeds of a hero fallen?
no, this is not a movie for Trump, rather, one against him. Do not forget: America was at that time a completely United Nation, which were. Today, everyone takes only his or her own interests, and the President is to blame for it. Trump can still be happy with Franklin D. compare that United the country and through the Second world war led, but he is the opposite of him Roosevelt I hope the Impeachment process will be initiated. Trump needs to go away.

they wanted to turn “Midway” however, long before his term of office?
Yes, I tried it 20 years ago. But the production company Sony, which is, ultimately, to the Japanese, was not willing to put so much money into a Film, in which Japan may be difficult to get out of it. Here, I treat the Japanese side is quite respectful, I think.

“The biggest Hero of my film is to a, as he admits that he’s scared”

A competition was also Michael Bay’s “Pearl Harbor”-Film of 2001, right?
Yes, it was a Flop and has made me up to today, the life difficult for. We have also turned on Pearl Harbor, the grant from the Department of Defense, we got quickly. But we still had to go to the commander of the military base, and immediately said: “Oh, then it will be like last Time: you promise a war movie and then turn a cheesy love story.”

Speaking of love story: the old “Midway”movie of 1976, there is a.
Yes, between the son of Charlton Heston, and a Japanese woman, was played by a girl from Hawaii. Very bad.

you women are only on the edge!
that is The Dilemma. War was then, even more than it is today, a purely male affair. Therefore, one invents to be such a tearjerker. But I wanted to show what really was. Important the wives of the pilots, for example.

A one sentence from you, you could find cynical once said. She says goodbye with the words: “see you at the next funeral.”
This is totally serious. The Navy was something of a big family. Someone has died, you helped each other. It was important to me, nothing exaggerated, and show only the truth.

on the way in the battle: aircraft in “Midway”.

The truth?
In my last war movie “The Patriot” there were inaccuracies. The Film is often shown in schools, so this is embarrassing for me. In “Midway” is everything.

the scene, in a riding like Baron Munchausen on a bomb and an Explosion prevented?
This is so going to happen. He is a Hero. Like so many in this Film.

when is someone a Hero?
If he is ready to sacrifice himself for the lives of others. But that has nothing to do with hurrah-Patriotism. On the contrary, the greatest Hero of my film is to a, as he admits that he’s scared. The were flying in a dive on the Japanese ships, the accuracy was greater, the later you losliessen the bomb. I’m afraid of myself still when I see it.

A main difficulty, apparently, was at the time, to find the enemy.
Yes. Today, the Americans could find out in seconds that we are sitting here in Zurich in the Hotel and an Interview should you be interested. And the war goes like this: Any one seated in Arizona, starts with a Joystick of a drone on an aircraft carrier, and controls and then to Afghanistan. Absurd.

Was it difficult to Finance the Film?
Oh, this is always hard, for hours and hours of talk about money. There are rare moments like in “Independence Day”, as all of Hollywood wanted the movie. At that time there was other problems. The wanted at any price, Smith Wants to have in a main role.

Because he is African American?
Yes, the said “unknown black person”, that doesn’t go.

“It would look bizarre if dark-Skinned occur only as a servant of the White”

In “Midway” are no black soldiers.
Because it was not the. But unlike “Independence Day” if you wanted to have one now, such a performer, and said: “Why you’re not dark-skinned fighter?”

There really was no black soldiers?
Only in the kitchen and in the Service. I had the extras sent to you at the rotary all work out. Today, it would look bizarre if dark-Skinned occur only as a servant of the White. That’s why I omitted them completely. And got to blame.

What kind?
They told me that there is in “Midway” not enough ethnic diversity for a modern Hollywood film. I answered: “Hello, a third of the cast is Japanese. What are you talking about, anyway?” Then it was quiet.

“Midway”: From 7.11. in the cinema

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Created: 02.11.2019, at 18:22