first set
He was not the first man who died in Milena’s arms, but for the first Time, it was a natural death.
The book
For the last ten years Milena is in the clutches of unscrupulous human traffickers. 16-the beautiful blonde tried to make a break with the endlessly long legs out of her dreary town in Croatia. But the friend of a friend who pretended to get her a Job in a pub in Berlin, and sold them to the Russian-Ukrainian Mafia, which operates in the South of Spain brothels. Their escape attempts failed miserably and were punished hard. But now, in Mexico city, under the protection of the publisher of an influential newspaper of the rich, whose lover she is, she sees for the first time, a Chance at a free life. But the sudden death of the protector, changes the Situation dramatically. Milena’s old “owner” of chasing you. And above all, they are in search of your black notebook.
“kilos to pounds, to act with women, is more lucrative than the drug business: The product is easier to implement and can be equal to several times and to many customers instead of selling only once.” Human trafficking as a world wide billion dollar business is the Central theme in “Milena, or the most beautiful femur in the world”, the second novel by the renowned Mexican political-journalist Jorge Zepeda Patterson. The picture he draws of Mexico, is bleak. Shown is a state that is through and through corrupt and criminal elements is controlled and the annoying “red tape culture” in Mexico city, is little more than Folklore.
Since Milena is not only exceptionally attractive, but also a good linguist and well read, and was used in Spain and then in Mexico, especially in the high society. And not just the Mafiosi, but also former customers are now afraid of the records of the young woman. A whole bunch of people, to protect Milena in front of their pursuers, and bring them to safety. However, the motives for this are only partly self-serving, such as when the owner of a security company that doesn’t want to impress just a for a long time, unsuccessfully, beloved friend, but, above all, the Chance to see, with Milena’s information in his Power.
Refined, structured and complex, this Plot is. Zepeda Patterson describes, in part, perhaps, something even in detail – the novel comes in at over 500 pages, but mostly in a fairly sober, journalistic style. Here and there one wishes for the story, maybe something literary. That Zepeda Patterson relies on hard facts, and not in a voyeuristic descriptions, makes the Thriller but very realistic. And politically.
Jorge Zepeda Patterson, born in 1952 in Mazatlan in the Mexican state of Sinaloa, studied Economics at the Universidad de Guadalajara in Mexico and obtained a doctorate in political science at the Sorbonne in Paris. In the case of the newspaper “El País” in Madrid, he studied to be a journalist. In Mexico, he worked as a Journalist, editor-in-chief and founder of various media. In 2011, he founded the leading Mexican Online information magazine, , which he directs today as Director-General. He also writes a column in the Spanish newspaper “El País”. He is considered to be one of the most influential political analysts in Mexico. After several non-fiction books he published in 2013 his first novel “Los Corruptores”. As in the now published second novel “Milena o el fémur más bello del Mundo” (2014; English: “Milena, or the most beautiful femur in the world”) and the successor of “Los usurpadores” (2016) is the story of a small group of forty year olds, called “the Blue”, which are friends since the school time. A film adaptation of this trilogy, is in preparation. For “Milena” was Jorge Zepeda Patterson honored as the first Mexican author of the Premio Planeta, an important prize for Spanish-speaking literature .
Jorge Zepeda Patterson: “Milena, or the most beautiful femur in the world” (Original: “Milena o el fémur más bello del Mundo”, Planeta, Mexico city, Mexico/Madrid, 2014). From the Spanish by Nadine Mutz. Elster, Zurich, 2019. 527 p., 30 Fr.
Created: 23.01.2019, 14:47 PM