up to 20 centimeters of snow.

So much can fall in the north in the evening and night, assess DMI.

– It’s snowing now, and it’s going to be. That can get up to 20 centimeters, explains vagtchef Dan Nilsvall to Ekstra Bladet.

And because the temperatures are around freezing, the snow will be wet and heavy. If it had been a little colder, there had been the risk of blowing snow, but it is not a question of in this place, he says further.

In the rest of the country, there will be rain, but not snow.

It has also snowed in Jutland and Zealand, but not in the same degree. Our forecast says however, that there will be periods of rain in the rest of the country, and just south of the Limfjord can also get white precipitation, which, however, not to be retained, says vagtchefen.

DMI shall also assess, to the north the snow can end up being lying down throughout the week.

And if you go out and run the car, it’s a really good idea to be especially careful. The roads can become very slippery in the whole country. However, it is the people from northern jutland that are worst hit by the smooth roads, assess vagtchefen.