“Usually the optimist, but always stylist”

“Göran Sommardal remember Anders Ehnmark”

“This is a kulturartikel which is a part of Aftonbladet’s opinionsjournalistik.”

“I remember Jan Myrdal once, with a drop of envy, described Anders Ehnmarks personal rampage in the 50’s as Ehnmark always had the fastest cars and the coolest duds and wrote in the Expressen. Right soon he would also add to the era’s typical författarresenärer, even if he, unlike such as the Folke Isaksson, Sara Lidman, Sven and Cecilia Lindqvist, and Sun Axelsson started on tidningssidorna and from there, He and Sture Källberg, went on to other literary forms, without ever abandoning journalism.”

“He visited and described a lot of the places that it was important to visit: Cuba, Guinea-Bissau, the red Italy. And in the beginning of the 70’s drew Annika Hagström and Ehnmark to sweden and started writing for the Thus. It didn’t mean that he ”

“But Ehnmark cultivated a lasting love-hate relationship to the media. In the novel Karamellkoket he lets kvällstidningsvärlden receive some hearty, loving uppercuts. And with the years he became increasingly sceptical about the role of the media as världsbildare, and in the realm of Freedom from 2001 problematizes the he – with a discourse à la Foucault – how nyhetisering of reality just as often means ”

“Two things: Ehnmark was mostly an optimist, and always stylist.”