According to the advice centre for accident prevention (BfU) to overturn in this country each year about 80’000 people and hurt themselves in the process. For older people, often with fatal consequences.

The good news: crash Who is fit, less. One of the best Exercises for the reverse run with the return include: balance, coordination and memory have trained, as British psychologists just re-confirmed. (More Exercises:

exercise description: imagine a line on the ground. You go now on this imaginary line in reverse. You expect according to the three series of 30 down – 30, 27, 24, etc.

reps: 3-times (within 10 to 20 seconds). In between a short break.

Difficult execution: to Count down the 7-series 70 – 70, 63, 56, etc., Perform the auxiliary movement. (sae/fk)

In this section, we introduce until the spring Exercises you can do at home or on the go. Advice: Flavian Bold, sports instructor at Pro Senectute Switzerland.

(editing Tamedia)

Created: 15.03.2019, 09:47 PM