woman bürer who will be assisted, you have to wax after your last shipment to the “Night” of little sleep. How do you do?
I’m surprised at how well it goes for me. I was very happy about the last shipment and the great appreciation, the sloshed to me. It was a good Format, and it came to a good end. What slumbers later, I do not know. You know what the best is?

you Tell me.
I don’t have to think at every show because it’s the third to the second-to-last, last, soon, the last. The feelings always came back. It’s over now, and I don’t need to have a handle on.

you already said that you can’t take good-bye.
no, I can’t let go. Also of people who came into my life and went. These are very long processes.

What’s behind it?
fears of loss, I suppose.

“people have enough real-life stories.”

the fear of losing a part of yourself?
Yes, in the case of “up all Night” is sure to be a big part of me to the end of an Era. I think I was very authentic in this show. It fills me with humility that I was able to make. I’ve heard so many stories that one hears otherwise. It fills me with great gratitude, but it is a small Die.

you are 63, have not reached the pension age of 64. You will be sent SRF in the early retirement?
I still have not received any notice of termination. After the No-vote-vote imposed by the SRG a savings program of 100 million. All departments had to save. “Night awake” belongs, like “Aeschbacher” the sacrifice of the Saving.

“Aeschbacher” cost per shipment of approximately 52’000 Swiss francs, a “sport panorama” 72’000, a “literature club” of 60’000. An output of “up all Night” an estimated 10’000 Swiss francs. It makes little sense.
to Me, it’s not even about the Numbers. I find it a shame that they’re cancelling a show that is, in my view, the public Service in its purest form. Here telling people from her life, voluntarily, unfiltered, and not curated. Everyone who wanted to, could be a voice. This immediacy there’s nothing else on the SRF.

there Is an alternative Format?
I don’t know anything.

you gave your displeasure about the cancellation on Facebook air. There was an online petition against it, signed up but only around 260 people. Just a niche product?
Yes, of course we were a niche product. We were in the media a large, generated no scandals. It is a small, fine shipment was late in the evening, which has found its audience.

celebrating a very silent farewell. Get rid of your microphone, covered the console with a cloth and bowed with your Team in front of the audience. Mr Aeschbacher celebrated a whole Saturday night show. Why?
Kurt Aeschbacher has also earned. He was forty years on the air. For me, this silent farewell was wrong. It’s a thank you for the Call. She stood in the centre. Therefore, the consignment is not called “bürer who will be assisted”. It went to the people out there – on the spot light should fall.

What do these stories give you?
I was interested in you always have, like other life, what you fight, what Seelennöte. I wanted them to be heard, that they were able to formulate their story. I was just your mirror. Much I understood and much of it was new. Much I found unimaginable. I was never gonna meet me in my bubble of like-minded people, but the other Switzerland show, it is maybe not so good.

you Have learned from it?
I can think of only the word “grateful”. I was grateful to hear them. But of course, you expanded my horizons, reminded me to walk carefully and respectfully through life.

Is the Understanding of others is also an attempt to understand themselves?
Yes, a lot of sound for me. I know sadness, loneliness, fear, loss, death. I was often amazed at what people found solutions for their problems. People who have lost beloved, whose relatives have been murdered, the struggle with the consequences of abuse and depression, and the life in the affirmative. You talk too little with each other.

you used to talk more to each other?
no, but it was different. There was much less media and no social media. We told more stories, stories from the life.

Because it is one of the few sources?
Yes, you sat at the table, ate, drank, and told each other stories. Maybe I height, but I think that sooner happened between the people, because there was less distraction. You had to tell, as it was in the holidays, because not everyone had seen the photos on Facebook.

you received in the last twelve years, a deep insight into the Psyche of Switzerland. How is she?
I can’t tell you how it goes, the Swiss are. I can only say, that those, to whom it is bad, in the Public little. Ultimately it is always about love, relationships, death, Fear, pain, work, and unemployment.

The people were talking with them for the first time about her abuse, how her father sent her to the line, which experienced the same miracle, why they have for years, no Sex, or why they killed someone. How processed you get all that?
The tragic stories shook me. A woman called me shortly before her death, and left me after her death, a card. For workup, was that we discussed after the consignments in the Team, every conversation again.

Reporter, makes the envious. To us, the people tell such intimate Details, we have to make a long history of trusted work. How did you manage it?
I had to do it, it’s the Format that made it was also the anonymity. But surely it played a role, who just stood there and listened to it. I have referred to a certain layer, the knew that I had to deal carefully with their stories.

What were the listeners? Satisfied “up all Night” simply the voyeurism of the people?
you were listening to.

I hoped that the show promoted people’s understanding of other life-worlds.
I very much hope that the consignment had this potential. You showed the point of view of the other. We listened to there, where no one wanted to listen.

In your second-to-last shipment has been served to you by an Internet Comedian is a history of lies. When did you notice it?
Immediately after the broadcast. I was already in the conversation slightly skeptical. But live, it is dangerous to call someone Fake, you could be wrong. After the show, we have researched, met with him and made a Facebook Post. He wanted to meet me afterwards and give me a bouquet of Flowers present. I suggested that he donate the amount to the Proffered Hand.

Think of you, it often happened that people told lies?
I don’t know. Normally, the Fake were intercepted calls from the editors. And once, when I said that this story could not vote, I did the listener in the wrong.

Of journalism is being shaken by a scandal. Claas Relotius invented his stories.
It is incredible that he has managed to lead all the deceived in the first place. He has people extremely betrayed and hurt every journalist who works on it seriously, goes out, and the stories accumulated, and so, as you have. That was my Prime Credo for reports. Relotius, I hope, is an isolated case. The people actually have enough true stories.

there Should be more journalism like “up all Night”?
I found it nice that the broadcast live, the language is raw and uncut, the stories ungecastet. I hope that I can soon read beautiful reports.

How it goes for you?
I go for the first time in the holiday. Next Tuesday will be the first for twelve years, I’m not there. This was perfect for me. I don’t like to go in the holidays.

I didn’t like holidays as a child. It was for me a big thing. I’m thinking long, what will I do there, and if I go then I am the first two days of obnoxious, and most of the time I have to go home earlier, because I’m homesick.

you have also announced to continue. A Bürer Who Will Be Assisted In The Podcast?
We still don’t know what it could be. I find that Talking to people is something Beautiful, also the anonymous Talk. In any way I want to save this in a live format over. We are thinking now.

One last question, in the way that they made you happy: If you look back, over all these years, “up all Night”, what do you see for a picture?
The Moment just before the show. In this backdrop, pretending to be you, my living room would be. In the ear I have the producer, the wish me luck. I clap with the camera man, the Director counts down the last seconds down. The Signet sounds, I walk in, think, hopefully I can lead the. Then it’s on . . . And now it’s over. I’m curious what’s to come.

(editing Tamedia)

Created: 04.01.2019, 18:40 PM