on Tuesday evening will show the first part of the documentary ‘Leaving Neverland’ for the first time on Danish flow-screen tv.

the Documentary is about two men pædofilianklager against the now deceased world star Michael Jackson. 41-year-old James Safechuck and 36-year-old Wade Robson tells both that they were sexually abused by Jackson when they were children.

‘Leaving Neverland’ made headlines even before the premiere – and, of course, also after. It is almost ten years since Michael Jackson died, so he cannot defend himself against the serious accusations.

Several people have noticed that both Safechuck and Robson have previously defended Michael Jackson in court cases where he was accused of similar crimes.

the Extra Leaf has gathered a number of criticisms, based on a list from Forbes, which may be worth to have in mind before you sit to the right of the couch to see the first part of the harrowing tale.

Film, tv & radio – 4. mar. 2019 – at. 14:15 DR-decision: What do we do with Jackson’s music


No other sources were consulted

Director Dan Reed has not contacted other sources in connection with the film. The team has not spoken with former employees, friends, or Michael Jackson’s family.

He explained to The Independent that he has made in-depth research in conjunction with the film and found ‘a lot, which directly supported Wade’s and James’ stories.

– I did not include the material in the film, because I felt that the families ‘ stories had a strength in itself.

About the criticism that she has confronted the people behind the Jackson’s live, sounds:

– This is about children who were exposed to abuse. What would Jackson’s stay might have to say about what happened in a hotel room in Paris in 1988 between James and Jackson? Nothing. They weren’t there.

Scribe Dan Reed. Photo: Ritzau Scanpix

Members of the Jackson family has stated, amongst others, Rolling Stone, that they believe that it’s all about money for the two men and in a press release criticized Reed for not being interested in the truth.

– They have never interviewed a single soul who knew Michael, apart from the two people who have lied under oath, and their families. It is not journalism, and it is not fair, yet spreads the media these lies, argue the.


the Men have defended Jackson publicly

Many have wondered, that the two men both defended Michael Jackson against other pædofilianklager. The first against him came in 1993. The 13-year-old Jordan Chandler accused him of having committed sexual assault.

Both Robson and Safechuck are defending Jackson. Robson tells CNN that there was talk about innocent pyjamasfester, while Safechuck also submit written vidneerklæring for the benefit of the singer.

the Lawsuit ends with a settlement that’s in no way an admission of guilt from Michael Jackson’, as it sounds from his team of lawyers.

ten-year James Safechuck met Jackson, 1987, when the two appeared in a commercial for Pepsi. Photo: Wade Robson archive/Amos Pictures

About ten years later came another a lawsuit against Jackson – this time from the kræftsyge Gavin Arvizo.

Here is Wade Robson Jackson’s so-called stjernevidne, and he reiterates several times that the singer never has been abusing himself against him.

Jackson ends up being acquitted in 2005, and the then 23-year-old Robsons testimony is one of the reasons why many don’t trust his explanation of having been the victim of sexual abuse.

Wade Robson was a key witness in a case from 2005, where Jackson was accused of having been abusing themselves against the cancer patients Gavin Arvizo. Photo: Ritzau Scanpix

Wade Robson has also in other cases, the spoken warmly about Jackson, who he called his ‘close friend’, in tribute, in connection with his death in 2009.

‘his music, His movement, his personal words of inspiration and encouragement and his unconditional love will live on in me forever’, he wrote on Facebook.


it’s all about the money?

Both men claim they have not received payment for appearing in the documentary.

Right from the beginning was not offered money, and we never expected something struck Safechuck fixed in connection with the premiere of ‘Leaving Neverland’.

Many notes, however, that Wade Robson has several times tried to make money on Jackson. In 2013, the defendant he the estate of Michael Jackson, for 1.5 billion dollars – almost 100 billion Danish kroner. It is rejected two years later, because of the limitation period. Later, he tries with James Safechuck, to bring proceedings against two of Jackson’s companies MJJ Productions and MJJ Ventures. The case was dismissed in 2017.

A very young Wade Robson, who met Jackson as a just five year. Photo: Wade Robson archive/Amos Pictures

In 2011, tried Robson, a renowned choreographer, to get the job as an instructor at the Michael Jackson: a musical for Cirque du Soleil. He was supposedly in great need of a job, but was chosen from. The year after, he was hit by a nervous breakdown, and his career began, according to him, even to fall apart.

He began according to Forbes trying to sell a book that he had been sexually abused by Jackson – without success. In 2013 he stood for the first time so public with his accusations in tv.

After ‘Leaving Neverland’ has had its premiere, has lived after Jackson started court proceedings against the tv station HBO, which is behind the documentary, for $ 100 million. In court documents it is claimed that the film is in breach of a contract of 1992, in which it appears that HBO does not want to undermine Michael Jackson in the future.