The new Georg-Büchner-prize-winner Lukas Bärfuss has warned of a Forgetting of the Nazi dictatorship and the Holocaust. The awarded to him, and with 50’000 Euro prize is considered the most important literary award in Germany.

“It is the task of my Generation to keep the memory alive,” said the 47-year-old Swiss writer and playwright on Saturday at the award ceremony in Darmstadt, Germany. “Who can forget the last war, the already preparing the next one.”

memory is not a prerequisite, to forget, said Bärfuss. Nazis and their ideology were suddenly there again, he said. They were never been away.

The dramaturge Judith Gerstenberg said in her speech about Bärfuss: “With his previous work, he has created a comprehensive topography of the unanswered and unanswerable questions of our time.”

He saw earlier than others, what should concern us. “The Writing is for him an Instrument to reach the world, to recognize their relationships, to find orientation – maybe this will also Stop.”

Outstanding narrator

in support of its decision had declared the Jury of the German Academy for language and poetry, that Bärfuss is one of the most outstanding storytellers and playwrights of the contemporary German-language literature.

The work of the award-winning 47-Year-old is comprehensive. Novels, short stories, Essays, and plays: his most famous Works include the novels “one Hundred days” about the genocide in Rwanda and “Koala” about the suicide of his brother, as well as the stage play “The sexual neuroses of our parents”.

The Academy awards the prize since 1951 to writers in the German language. The price must occur “through their Work and works in a particular crowd, and to the design of the current German culture essential share”.

the winners include Max Frisch (1958), Günter Grass (1965) and Heinrich Böll (1967), and since 2014, Jürgen Becker, Rainald Goetz, Marcel Beyer, Jan Wagner, and least of all, the writer Terézia Mora.

the name of the donor of the prize is the dramatist and revolutionary Georg Büchner (Woyzeck). He was born in 1813 in the Grand Duchy of Hesse, and died 1837 in Zurich of Typhus. (Dec/sda)

Created: 02.11.2019, 20:02 PM