“Who is worthy to be a host?”

“It’s boring, low-paid and risky job no longer want”

“This is a kulturartikel which is a part of Aftonbladet’s opinionsjournalistik.”

“this Year’s Oscars will be held without a host. You simply found someone who wanted to set up. How hard can it be, one may ask. Who say ‘ no ‘ to the beautiful clothes, hang out with superstars and pull a few jokes on stage? Many, it has proved. “

“although It is not official as to who has received the request and declined. Dwayne ”The Rock” Johnson said on Twitter only a week ago that he was the college’s ”first choice” but that he unfortunately could not get it together with their inspelningsschema and had to say no. “

“however, What is absolutely official is that comedian Kevin Hart was asked and said yes. But after a couple of old homophobic opinions were drawn up on the Twitter asked the academy an ultimatum: apologize publicly or to say no. He chose the latter.”

“This puts the finger on why it been so difficult to identify a good candidate. In addition to being both skilled and funny so should be the values to be cheeky and provocative, so that there will be some moves in the show but at the same time, not be plump. Seth MacFarlane who was in the gala 2013 was criticised heavily for his number ”We saw your boobs” (”We saw your tits”).”

“Values should also be political, dare to say something sharp about the present, but not anything political, or detached from reality. One should not, as Anne Hathaway in 2011, saying ”It has been a great year for lesbians, not just in general but also on the film”.”

“Muttrande galakritiker mean that the comedian is afraid to take a risk to end up in the rough times for any trivial matter they said as a joke during the galanatten. In particular, in the wake of movements like #oscarssowhite, #timesup #metoo. Oscarsvärdar has basically always been white, middle-aged men so I guess they wanted to have someone who represents other kinds of people in 2019.”

“the Mission is also time-consuming. Because the whole thing is broadcast live is months of preparation behind: script writing, rehearsals, inövningar and tests … the Compensation is said to be around 175 000 sek, which is extremely low for an american toppkomiker.”

“Which leads to a sensitive question: who looks at the galas on tv today?”

“A host is also expected to represent the gala, market it in various interviews and events prior to the big day. The host is expected to attract audience. Who in the day is a big enough name to attract viewers? “

“Which leads to a sensitive question: who looks at the galas on tv today? you Sweden we can blame this on the Oscars is shown in the middle of the night, not many swedes see it in the live broadcast (for the interested is sent directly on Sunday for the newspaper aftonbladet.see). But we are not particularly interested in domestic events either. In the mid-90s, it sat about 1.5 million swedes in front of the tv to look at the Grammisgalan. The figure has fallen by 89% since then. Similar figures apply to all of our major galas, Oscar has lost 30 percent of its viewers in just five years, the P3 Guldgalan half.”


“Glamour, we get from so many other places in the day. It is enough to log on to Instagram. Reliable branschtips on what movies or music we should investigate, we find also rather someone else than it can be called a company party because the professionals also sitting in the jury. We rely less on critics and experts in these days and more on the friends and bloggers.”

“It is simply a rather pointless job.”

“the Same thing applies to the Oscars. Last year’s galas viewing figures were the lowest ever. The academy has over the years tried to find on the one and the other to attract new viewers: the fresher the categories of film, fresher, more numbers and of course the fresher the host name. But it has not succeeded. “

“For how large a part of the gala is really the host? To tv-time seen is value a tiny part. After öppningsmonologen is the host’s task is basically to say to the when it is time for advertising, and when a winner talking for a long time. It is simply a rather pointless job.”


“the job posting is not jättelockande: be yourself stuck to tone down your personality, our gala has barely any viewers but there will not be any type of disaster or slip of the tongue, where you the total do away with you so it will be a wimpy gala no recall in all cases.”

“One has actually tried to keep the ceremony without the host or hostess of a time past. In 1989 replaced the honours with various more or less spectacular song – and-dance numbers and the stars took turns to introduce each other. Öppningsnumret surprise: Rob Lowe, in an attempt to wash itself clean after a commercial, danced with snow white in such an embarrassing way to prominent stars such as Paul Newman, Gregory Peck, and Julie Andrews wrote an open letter to the academy, where they called it all ”an embarrassment to both the academy and the entire industry”. “

“so be it. But Rob Lowe did manage two clean and has a successful career (and a private skincare brand), and I would rather see old clips of his Snövitsdans than dry monologues from personlighetslösa Oscarsvärdar that Anne Hathaway and James Franco. Yes, they were actually in the video for the just eight years ago. And it would have probably been a better gala without them.”