“Why don’t we see any helicopters,” asked journalists, as the people were watching the world the great fire of Paris, Notre Dame on the TV. May not be a helicopter were stationed in the vicinity, or over the center rule of the flight ban, were the answers of the Reporter. Many wondered why the Paris fire brigade seemed to be so powerless. More than nine hours they fought according to their own figures against the flames, until she could bring the Brand under control. Now, experts say, the fire Department deserve praise for their efforts.

The challenges for the forces were immense. The biggest Problem was to get the wooden beams that formed the frame for the towering roof, quote media experts. Already 20 minutes after the Fire broke out, it was “pretty obvious” that it would be a bad fire, says Gregg Favre, a former fireman of the channel CNN.

as soon As the beams start to burn, it’ll be very difficult to get to the Fire. The stone façade holds back heat and smoke. As a result, the firefighters can no longer work in the Interior.

Delete it from the air was not an Option

the height of the Notre Dame, the fire brigade were huge problems. The towers had a stove kind of like a high by bringing the fire with additional oxygen. The fuel for the fire is in the air, says another expert to CNN. The firefighters could not quickly enough get to the source of the flames.

To the proposal with the helicopters, the expert says: “One of the problems of the thermal updraft. This is a chimney – you can fly any helicopter in the hot air.” The air is simply too thin.

Also for fire fighting aircraft are not an Option. Because no airplane pilot could leave the water exactly at a point to fall. In addition, the weight of the water would compromise the structure of the building.

The us President, Donald Trump had the same idea: “Quick, fire-fighting aircraft,” he told the Paris fire brigade via Twitter. The French civil protection responded: “to throw water out of a plane could result in this type of building to the collapse of the entire structure. Our people give their Maximum.”

Thomas von Essen, during the attacks of September 11. September, the New York city fire Department served, says to CNN, the photos of the Interior is encouraging. Material, that while days may smolder, seemed to have been brought out. Large parts of the building could have been saved thanks to the use. “These firefighters should be commended.”

fought 400 firefighters against the fire. They pumped water from the Seine and tried to make drones an Overview.

shortly before 10 o’clock on Tuesday morning, the fire brigade announced the fire was deleted. The tower in the middle and the largest part of the roof of the century-old Cathedral are destroyed. The two bell towers and the main building could be saved.