“Young man in car shot by the police”

“a young man in A Porsche were shot by the police during the night on Tuesday.”

“– He tried to run at a police officer. Then fired another police officer their service weapons and hit the man in the thigh, ” said Mats Almquist, the oow.”

“At the 02-the time the police would stop a Porsche in a spaningsärende in Kista, north of Stockholm.”

” Several patrols have tried to stop a vehicle. In connection with it, the driver has tried to run a policeman and then been shot in the thigh, ” said Mats Almquist.”

“the Driver was awake and talbar when he was taken to the hospital in an ambulance under police guard. He suspected now for attempt to murder.”

“It was very close,” said Mats Almquist.”

“Several other people were in the car and was picked up for questioning.”

“the Case has routine been handed over to a special prosecutor, which is switched in when the police fire arms.”

“A witness saw the aftermath to the shooting:”

” When I came, four undercover cops surrounded the Porsche. A guy lay down and was bleeding and police officers tried to stop the blood flow.”