A young man had ordered for chemical experiments, larger amounts of chemicals, which can also be used for the manufacture of explosives used. This finally led to a large deployment of police and other forces in the train.

To the young people to the attention of the Federal customs administration, such as the Zuger law enforcement authorities said on Thursday. He had ordered the chemicals over a period of several months on the Internet and from abroad, to put. In doing so, he caught the attention of the customs administration, which informed finally, the Zug police.

These are joined in house-to-house in two flats in train on large amounts of chemicals. Including the substances were explosive potential. Specialists of the forensic Institute in Zurich decided that the explosive Material, secured transport, and destroy controls. The remaining substances were seized.

During the evacuation, the residents were invited to one of the two apartments for safety reasons, to close the window, the Blinds let down and not at the window to stop. A risk for the population is not stock but according to the message.

Experiment is planned

The young people admitted their guilt and stated in the interview that he wanted to perform in the spare time of different experiments. The law enforcement authorities at this point believe this statement is true and the young man wanted to actually perform scientific experiments, such as Frank Little, spokesman for the Zug law enforcement authorities, declared at the request of Keystone SDA.

Scot-free, the young chemist not came yet. He was arrested. The youth advocacy opened against him a criminal case. In the case of the various actions in the use of specialists of the forensic Institute in Zurich and the Forensic service of the Zug police and other employees of the Zug police, the rescue train, and the volunteer firefighters train. (fal/sda)

Created: 14.02.2019, 16:33 PM