In almost a week have a hunt for it, or those who remained behind one of the largest dataläckorna in Germany’s history took place. On Tuesday morning, could the country’s federal police, addressed bundeskriminalamt, announce that a suspect has been arrested.

According to reports in the German media, it is about a 20-year-old man accused of having published private information stolen from hundreds of German leaders and celebrities on the internet.

Read more: ”advent calendar” spread the private details of hundreds of German politicians and celebrities

to the newspaper Der Spiegel have been arrested already in the Monday after police received a tip and secured digital track that 20-year-old left behind on the web. It should move about an individual offender and not be linked to foreign security services, the newspaper further and refers to the police investigation.

the 20-year old is reported to be a student living at home with their parents in the state of Hessen, in western Germany. When the police searched the man’s home in the weekend, he had already managed to destroy his computer, according to the newspaper.

The arrested person has been recognised and released on the loose after he cooperated with the authorities. The subject should according to the police, have been an irritation over statements made by the affected individuals.

It was Thursday last week, as it became known that hundreds of German politicians from all parties in the bundestag except the right-wing Alternative for Germany (AFD) – have had their computers hacked. Large amounts of stolen information are then shared via a twitter account, including hundreds of phone numbers and addresses, as well as private information such as chat messages between family members, family vacations, and credit card information. Although a large number of celebrities and journalists from the German public service broadcasters are among those affected.

the German government now pledges to enhance the protection against cyber-attacks in coming months, a new cyberförsvarscentrum. After lunch, the German minister of the interior will hold a press conference with the occasion of the hacker attack.

Read more: Alarm on the German dataläckan viftades away