30 years after the peaceful Revolution, more than a third of the West German throw of the East Germans in today’s Germany arrived. This is evident from a study of the migration researcher Naika Foroutan, which will be presented on Tuesday. “East Germans are faced with a similar write-downs as Muslims,” notes the researcher. Many of the West German understanding of the situation of East Germany is missing also. “Ignore the wounds of the reunification”, says the study by the German centre for integration and migration research (DeZIM), which is the daily mirror.
Indeed, would have been adjusted to the conditions in the new Federal länder in the old Federal States, they say. Nevertheless, significant parts of the population to be removed “is still a long way from actually have similar life opportunities”. Thus, the wage level is lower, unemployment higher, and in elite positions in Eastern Germany were under-represented, according to the researchers. “All of this is true, even to a greater extent, also for the Situation of the population with a migration background.” For you, a significant opportunity gap and an equally strong under-representation exists”, when it comes to the actual top positions.”
One third of the East German sees himself in the victim role
For their study, Foroutan, which has been working so far, especially with the Integration of migrants in Germany, chose an unusual approach. Team was looking for with your researchers, whether it is Muslims in this country a Parallel between the devaluation of migrants, and in this case specifically – and from East Germany. For the study, about 7200 people aged 14 and over were interviewed, well-4600 in the West and about 2600 in the East.
And Foroutan discovered many analogies: the West German maintain stereotypes about East Germans – and in a comparable extent as Muslims. So 41,2 of the respondents were from West Germany that East Germans see themselves constantly as victims. This number is even higher than the value for Muslims (36.5 percent). However, many East Germans have internalized this prejudice: Almost a third (28.5 percent) see themselves in the victim role. Similarly, in the case of the accusation, to be not in present-day Germany arrived: Nearly a third (32.1 per cent) of East Germans said this about one’s own group.
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About a third of the East German feels in addition as second-class citizens to be treated. In order to see themselves on a par with Muslims in Germany. A third also say that they were not treated equally. In parallel, there is also the write-UPS on extremism. So, 37.4 percent of the West German about East Germans, that they distance themselves enough from extremism. The appropriate value to Muslims at 43.3 percent. About half of the East Germans is convinced, moreover, that East Germans would have to make an effort as well as Muslims in Germany, in order to achieve the Same.
But while many West Germans have a sense of the lack of recognition of Muslims, lack this sensitivity to their fellow citizens from the East. More than a third of the respondents of West Germans say that Muslims are treated as second-class citizens, not even one in five (18.2 per cent) such unequal treatment in the case of East Germans. And more than half of that, Muslims have to strain more to achieve the Same, while only one-third (29.6 percent) says this about the country, people in the East.
Muslims as a competition
Even though many East Germans have an eye for the discrimination of Muslims, so you see this as a competition. Fear of mobility is “the Other” for the overall social Cohesion “problematic”, because “self-structurally, successful Integration can be perceived as negative”, – stated in the study. Almost every second Person in the East would have a bad feeling about this, if more Muslims would be in important leadership positions. In the West, a third of respondents see it that way. Also educational achievements of Muslims to be perceived as a threat.
more than 40 percent of the East German and about a third of West Germans are of the opinion that we should take care that the educational achievements of Muslims went to the expense of the rest of the population. Conversely, the respondents do not perceive in the West, the East German as the competition: Only one in ten West German had a bad feeling when more and more East Germans were in positions of leadership.
High approval for a Ostquote
against discrimination act, would half of the East one rate for East-German answer in the affirmative – just under a quarter of West Germans would agree to this. Less than a third of the West – and East German would be a quota for migrants makes sense. The consent for governance is “surprisingly high,” the scientist Foroutan. But so far, this will be taken by any party to be appropriate. (with CBA)