With large-scale rallies all over the country have, in Iran, on Monday the celebrations for the 40. The anniversary of the Islamic Revolution started. In Tehran, more and more people gathered in the Morning at the peace square, where every year with a rally at the 11. February 1979. Iran’s President Hassan Rouhani praised in the mass rally, the stability of his country. The “conspiracy” of the United States, Israel, and other “reactionary States” in the Middle East against Tehran was doomed to Failure, said, a security source said on Monday. The number of people on the streets of the country showed that the “enemy will achieve his diabolical objectives,” never.

on the occasion of the celebrations announced by the government, Pardons and criminal decrees for 50,000 prisoners. Whether the Amnesty is for political prisoners, remained open. 40. The anniversary is overshadowed by the renewed U.S. sanctions, which have led the country in the last few months in a political and economic crisis.

external political tensions, power struggles and fragile economy

On 11. February 1979 had been proclaimed in Iran, the end of the monarchy. A month later, the Islamic Republic was founded. As the leader of the revolution and founder of the Shi’ite Theocracy of which the first Supreme leader, Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini, had prepared from his exile in the French municipality of Neauphle-le-Château, from the overthrow of the monarchy.

The 40 years of the Islamic Republic since the Iranian satirist Ali Mirfattah summed up in one sentence: “From the monarchists to Islamic Revolutionaries were monarchists, and many of the Revolutionary.”

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for Free order

Iran’s clergy sees it quite differently. The Iranians are of the view that the clergy to the principles of the Revolution: independence, freedom and Islamic Republic. The state news Agency IRNA, speaking of a “robust tree”, the “invincible”.

but The reality is different. External political tensions, internal political power struggles between reformers and hard-liners, and a fragile economy dominate the country. In addition, more than half of the present population, more than 40 million people was born after the Revolution. For the criteria of their parents or grandparents from the 1980s are no longer portable. They have also made at various protests.

another Problem for many Iranians, the middle East policy of the country. You ask, why spend money for Arab freedom movement or the struggle for Survival of the Syrian ruler Bashar al-Assad will have to spend, if it is the people themselves need all the more urgent. “Not Gaza, not Lebanon, we sacrifice ourselves for Iran” was a Slogan in street protests in the past year.

Ruhani holds a rejuvenation of the leadership necessary

An important platform for critics and therefore a big Problem for the clergy – is the Internet. What could still be a few years ago is not, frankly, is now read every day in social media. Therefore, clergy and hardliners stricter Internet calling controls, but also within the regime are controversial. “When the Internet or other realities of the 21st century. Century are not assessed correctly, this could lead to a dangerous conflict of generations,“ warns even President Hassan Ruhani.

He is even of the opinion that the leadership needs to rejuvenate. “The managers in our country are now in an age where you in the longer term, not much can move,” said Ruhani. The descendants of the architects of the Revolution are concerned. “In fact, there is no guarantee that we will stay forever”, says Hassan Khomeini, grandson of the 1989 deaths of Ayatollahs.

Khomeini is considered the head and the heart of the Islamic Revolution. He turned for life against the monarchy and against the United States, and especially against Israel. After returning from 14 years of exile, the constitutional Council in 1979 appointed him “Imam”, the Supreme religious leader. After his death, this role took Ali Khamenei, has the final say in all strategic matters.

An early end to the regime is, according to many observers in the country unlikely. “The people fear that things could get any worse,” says the daughter of Ex-President Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani, Faeseh Hashemi. The fate of the people in Afghanistan, Iraq, Yemen or Syria, where political changes only to Chaos and violence have led acts as a deterrent.

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Currently, the country and the government, however, has a different Problem: Donald J. Trump. The US President is not announced, only the Vienna-based nuclear agreement by 2015, but imposed new sanctions. Hand-in-Hand with its close allies in the Region – Israel and the Sunni Kingdom of Saudi Arabia – wants to Trump the insistence of the influence of Iran. But this is a difficult undertaking, it has developed to power the country has long been a strong regional. (dpa, AFP)