The 73 minutes of a stroke in Sanlúcar de Barrameda ripped off shortly after nine in the morning in the small agricultural colony of Monte Algaida. There, in a small rural town section of the city of cadiz, a voter Equo realized that there was no ballot of the party in the school Teacher Candida Ruiz. And it turned out that neither was a failure, isolated or a slight error. All Sanlúcar had dawned without a single ballot of the party ecologist, a problem of “unprecedented” in the history of the Elections in Andalusia that has caused delays of over an hour in the dissemination of the scrutiny.

Until 54.255 voters were called to the polls in the town of the mouth of the Guadalquivir in 81 polling stations spread throughout the city, but none of them could take the ballot and nothing more open the electoral colleges. Hence, once detected the error, the Board of Elections of Andalusia, took the decision to close all centres. From 9.55 until 11.08 all were closed. Then, in the Provincial Delegation of the Junta de Andalucía in Cádiz and in the town Hall of the town, had already begun a career of frenzied by restore normalcy.

From Cádiz, the Delegation sent the batch of ballots Equo saved for contingencies to Sanlúcar. Then, it was the Consistory sanluqueño which, with the help of the local police, took care of the distribution for the 81 tables. Between the outrage and derision, the unusual incident ran from mouth to mouth through the streets of the city. “And the whole of Andalusia, he had to touch us to us the shtick”, he complained bitterly to a neighbor while waiting to vote in the Municipal Library.


The differences between the andalusian provinces The images of the election day in Andalusia

Inside the facility, José María Ruiz, representative of Citizens, waited with patience the reopening. “The bad news is that many older people who have gone to the first time to vote, have not been able to do it and have been saying that they will not vote,” she lamented shortly after recovering the normal, minutes before your party’s candidate, Juan Marín first went to that same Library to cast their ballot right on the table of Ruiz.

the 11.08 is returned to the voting in schools with a warning: most of the centers would be open to 73 minutes, which is to say, up to 21.13. In the case of the colegio de Monte Algaida, the term was extended until 21.30 because there the elections were disrupted before. Pinbahis To the extent of what happened, sources close to the Junta at Cadiz confirmed that they will begin an investigation to clarify what happened.

the delegation of andalusia in the province is responsible for the distribution of remittances of ballot papers to each town and each municipality is in charge of spreading it among polling stations subsequently. The same sources point out that, in the Board, have the receipt for the email has been sent to the city Council of Sanlúcar. While the city Council made it clear that the error did not come from them. “We distributed that was sent”, said sources of the municipality governed by the PSOE.

What is clear is that the incident is “unprecedented”, as indicated in the Delegation of the Government of the Board in the province, given that this is the first time in Elections in Andalusia, a mistake causes for so long the closure continued in the electoral colleges in a city as a whole. “I don’t remember it nor have I seen it before,” acknowledged Paco González Cabaña, 61, a socialist senator in the Cortes and former president of the Provincial Council.

And has not been the only shock that this Sunday will have taken in Sanlúcar. In addition to being the source of an error that has affected the entire community, the two tables of the city have become the latest of the whole of Andalusia, is constituted. While the one and the other tried to fix the outrageous of the ballots, in the college Guadalquivir dealt with its own crisis: two of the four tables that were supposed to be were empty.

Neither presidents, nor vocal, nor their alternates were present; in total 18 people missing that had to be covered by volunteers who were to vote at the center at first time. This is how Jesus and his wife have ended up as president and a member of one of the tables. “What we have done for money and because we didn’t have another plan. I think that must have been a notification error because I have not received the notice of where to vote”, explained the sanluqueño.

A few steps, Maria De la Rosa also became “president by accident”, despite the fact that their role in these Elections in Andalusia was to be representative of the PP in this school of Sanlúcar. What neither one and another responsible for your table expect is that, after giving the self to occupy the position, they would end up immersed in a rugged and long elections which will take them to be in school Guadalquivir 73 minutes plus tip. “Everything for the Fatherland”, joked Rose, among the mockery and resignation.