During the radiant spring sunshine, announced the president of the Trump that he puts the USA in a state of emergency to be able to build a wall against Mexico.

Trump presented no new rationale for the need of a wall. But returned to their original argument. An ”invasion” consisting of “people”, “dope” and “gangs” forcing him to declare emergency wokspace. Which in turn gives him access to public funds to build the great wall.

“It’s very simple,” he said. We should stop drugs and criminals from entering our country.

how much capital he will take in order to complete their dream project. But he assured that he will not undermine the military’s economic position – even if part of the money will be taken out of the army’s budget.

Trump said that he had spoken with “the generals” who told me what the money really should have gone to.

” I can’t say what it was but it sounded not so important, said Trump.

Donald Trump during the press conference outside the White house. Photo: Brendan Smilalowski/AFP

has repeatedly stated that the majority of the drugs flowing into the united states limit would not be stopped by a wall.

Trump rejects that argument.

For him it is obvious that a wall would stop both the gang members as their goods.

“They say that walls do not work,” said Trump. They work 100%. Watch anywhere. Look at Israel.

would have liked to get started with murbygget already when he first took over the White house after Obama. But to members of congress in their own party opposed him. He called these colleagues for the “disappointments”. A reporter asked if he was referring to Paul Ryan, the former republican president.

“What does it matter,” answered Trump, but to contradict that he actually was referring to Ryan.

In the case of the wall has a Trump instead listened to loud högerdebattörer, rather than on their own colleagues in congress.

he expressed admiration for their interlocutors on Fox News, who, night after night asked him to build a wall. He mentioned Sean Hannity, Laura Ingraham but also radioprogramledaren Rush Limbaugh, who can speak for three hours without answering the incoming phone calls. A trait that Trump praised several times during the press conference.

the President’s apology for the great wall was discontinuous, also to be Trump. He offered a few full sentences or full reasoning.

He said that the economy is going so well that more and more people are looking to the border, and that is why he is forced to this drastic measure.

as the media refers to – which on the contrary shows that there has been a reduction in the influx of people to the south of the border – is the “fake news”, even if these figures are taken from the own apparatus of state.

He made a charade where he acted as president of China. Trump told me that he asked Xi Jinping whether the vastness of the country in the east has a narkotikakris. No, replied the chinese. How is it, asked Trump. “The death penalty”, Xi Jinping responded, authoritatively. Trump seemed to be attracted by the model, that is to say, a clampdown on crime related to the drug trade.

Trump is counting cold that the Democrats will sue him and that the legal battle over the state of emergency will be prolonged. But that the Supreme court will finally give him the right – just as the court did with the travel ban for a number of muslim populations from the Middle east and Africa. Where a divided court finally gave Trump the right.

a number of so-called “änglamödrar” – parents who had their children killed by undocumented immigrants. When reporters remarked that Trumps intelligence does not seem to consider the border as a trouble spot let Trump, one of the mothers to stand up. She pointed at a photo of her killed son and directed towards the tv-channel CNN’s camera.

– This is real, she said.

Nancy Pelosi, the democratic leaders in congress, announced immediately after Trump’s speech that she will try to stop the announced state of emergency by the court.

”Trump is not above the law. Congress cannot allow the president cloth to break the constitution”, wrote Nancy Pelosi.

Read more: little support for Trump’s drastic solution in murtvisten

Martin Liby Troein: Trump is playing with fire

Martin Gelin: Hard legal battle waiting on the national state of emergency