An article in DN Debate of the week was about something much larger than its actual substance.

Ebba Busch Thor and Jakob Forssmed, which on Friday wrote about how more swedes should be given the opportunity to own their own home. As a event, this is just one of the areas that have been highlighted in a new report from the OECD. The title sums up what it’s about: ”Under pressure – the pressure On the middle class”.

the Conclusions of the OECD-the script is simple, but the drama behind should not be underestimated. A large and stable middle class is essential for a stable and prosperous society. The middle class is characterised – even if there of course are many exceptions – of the trust to the society, low brottsbenägenhet and a healthy skepticism to the revolutions, populism, authoritarian leaders, and breakneck social experiment.

is medicine against societal corruption. Its members believe in education and meritocracy. Its tax payments are a prerequisite for infrastructure, education and health care. Its development is parallel with the emergence of peace, democracy and the welfare state.

the Ability to make a class trip into the middle class, and stay there, is a necessary social force. It is important both for the individuals themselves in this way lifted out of poverty and for the collective.

including Sweden, now shrinks the middle class. The number of people in the medelinkomstgruppen falling, especially among younger generations. The cost of accommodation, education and health care in OECD countries has risen – as well as the highest income – while the average income has fallen.

Although the future of the labour market will be more uncertain, in the digital era. One of the six medelinkomstjobb is according to report being threatened by computers. It makes the middle class from this point of view has far more in common with low – than high-income households.

The ”broken social elevator” must be patched. No one should have to be klassfäst.

It is also becoming increasingly more expensive to have a so-called medelklasslivsstil. For those who want to sneer at such a notion, it refers not primarily to the man can afford to fly to Thailand, but to be able to manage to pay for a home of their own.

will the ”middle class,” always be a dirty word, associated with distressing, bukstinna borgarbrackor who, with his lethargy and lack of refinement the best fit to the shame of Lars Norén. the

Such has been the middle class, by tradition, been able to bid on. Maybe it is because it knows that it fills an indispensable function.

It is the tradition of a stable, tranquil, peaceful group that is located between the extreme poles to the right and the left. A peaceful crowd of people at the picnic between a hysterically red and a hard brown block, that can not make their respective revolutions if they are not first past the a little slow, fridsälskande brake pad.

the OECD highlights several proposals that are not unknown, nor in the Swedish debate. Among the recommendations is a reduction in the tax burden for middle-income and higher for high income earners.

Taxes on labour should decrease, while they can be raised on income from capital and real estate. Tougher action needed against cheating and fiddling the tax. And the state should – have a nice weekend, the Christian democrats! – to ensure that it will be cheaper and easier to own their own home.

the ”broken social elevator”. When it does not work, it must be repaired. Then it becomes a fundamental tool for social progression. No one should have to be klassfäst.