The Grand coalition is examining a nationwide measles vaccination for children. SPD-health expert Karl Lauterbach said he was with Federal Minister of health, Jens Spahn (CDU) in an interview about it, and “confident that we can soon submit a proposal”. Lauterbach emphasized to the editors ‘ network of Germany, his party advocate within the coalition for vaccination for children should be limited to measles.

Spahn had been made before his time as Minister of health for mandatory measles vaccinations for children. The reason for the renewed debate of an increased occurrence of measles cases among others in lower Saxony Hildesheim.

in view of this outbreak the German society for child and youth medicine (DGKJ), had spoken out recently again for a vaccination against measles. Measles are extremely contagious and potentially deadly. The better the vaccination rate, the more secure the life is just for the little ones, said the society.

The liberals make for the vaccination. “The FDP is in favour of a statutory compulsory vaccination for children up to 14 years”, – said the Deputy Chairman of the FDP parliamentary group, Michael Theurer, the RND. To let “his kids vaccinated is irresponsible to the Welfare of their own child, and also to people who can’t be vaccinated for health reasons.”

Federal health Minister Spahn had to educate people about the offensive and the access to vaccines to facilitate, called for the FDP parliamentary group Deputy. So vaccination could be offered in schools and day-care centres, so that they will not forget so often. “Impfzurückhaltung is problematic,” said Theurer, therefore, vaccination was to be considered as Ultima Ratio needed.

Not a harmless children’s disease

measles is not a harmless childhood disease. In addition to the acute disease may occur as a late consequence of the so-called SSPE, a usually fatal inflammation of the brain. Children are particularly at risk in the first year of life, are still too young for a measles-Mumps-rubella vaccination.

More about

measles outbreak in lower Saxony, vaccination required: Too many measles cases in Germany

international organizations warn solid in front of an alarming increase in measles cases: in the World 98 countries had registered in the past year, a stronger appearance of the virus infection than in the previous year, according to a recent report by the UN children’s Agency, Unicef.