day-to-day sitting in Klaus Kühlwein on Packed suitcases and waiting. He hopes for the right to obtain inspection of the files of the pontificate of Pius XII in the Vatican secret archives for more than 15 years. Two special requests, which the theologian submits to the Vatican, he receives Cancel. On Monday, however, the Vatican has announced that the Records admit to the term Eugenio Pacellis. “Worked, we knew, but the news came as a surprise,” says cooling wine

He suspected that the Motivation of the Vatican goes back to the commitment of many theologians, and historians, to inspect the documents requested. Their quest had become in the past few years. “At some point, the Vatican had to give the files easy-free,” says the author of the book “Why the Pope-in-law” (2008). So far, only a elfbändige selection of the files is open to the public, the Commission published on behalf of the then Pope Paul VI, 55 years ago. The publication is according to the cooling of wine is only a “fragmented mosaic”. The next findings could bring “light into Dark”.

“Christian tragedy”

access to the files to get researchers from the 2. March 2020. It is the 81. Anniversary of the election of the Pope, especially since the Premiere of the theatre play of 1963 “The Deputy” in the criticism. Author Rolf Hochhuth tells, in his “Christian tragedy”, as it says in the subtitle, the story of a Jesuit priest, the Pope Pius XII on the Holocaust. However, the head of the Catholic Church is silent – and according to the Interpretation of Hochhuth complicit in the Nazi crimes.

Nearly 60 years after his death, historians continue to argue about the Silence of the then Pope: Why he did not use his office to protest against the persecution and extermination of the European Jews? Or has to be Still worse prevented by it provoke it avoided, Hitler and his followers through the words? In the Vatican, the assessment is according to cooling wine clear: “The history of 1933 to 1945 is not sold as a success story, self-criticism there is.”

beatification hardly

And the vulnerable, although voices are growing from their own ranks to acknowledge a complicity. The ongoing beatification of Pius XII are likely to affect the findings. Because that is prevented by finds in the files that was unlikely, says the cooling of wine, because this would otherwise already have been discovered. About that he remained silent from anti-Semitic reasons, or because he wanted to protect the Church assets. “That would be the Super-Gau for the Vatican”, says the cooling of wine.

He hopes, rather, on knowledge of how Pius XII was, after 1943, several Thousand Jews in Rome to take refuge in monasteries. Or to the question of why he has found up to his death in the Holocaust, never let alone addressed as a word of repentance. It is also known that he had more information about the events as the Curia. Possibly, the files open up to why he might have had fears, not to aggravate the situation, he should raise his word.

files work for years

cooling wine it is “to Fill the gaps,” he says. Because even if many employees of the Vatican have seen the files already and knew exactly what would be in them, could bring the outside view to new insights. Also because Pius XII, who wrote many of his texts, put so conscientiously how often corrections in the documents. “And to see the individual statements in the Original is very revealing,” says cooling wine. Where there is work of his presumption, after months, if not years, by the files.