shots fired, Dead, Traumatized, a Christmas market. Panic exit lock, heavily armed police officers, a chase. And the alleged offenders, no murderers, a Strasbourg-born 29-year-old radicalized Muslim Frenchman, who had previously been sitting in France, Germany and Switzerland in prison. A total of 27 Times, it is said, he had been sentenced. On the Morning of the assassination, he would have to be re-arrested. But instead of it the police officers found a grenade, a gun and ammunition, and knives.

The images of the terrorist attack overlap with other, similar images. Memories come up. The scenes two years ago on the Breitscheidplatz in Berlin, in nice, the synagogue in Pittsburgh, the Marathon in Boston, Manchester, Brussels, Paris, London, Madrid, Nine-Eleven. As to comfort, it is neither that of fear-table of the Germans of the dangers of terrorism to be the number five, nor that of most of the lament, by Terror Killed in the countries listed we possibly still on the edge with Syria, Nigeria, Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Pakistan, Yemen. The fact remains necessary. Since all people grieve the same. To speak of “our dead” and “the dead”, is prohibited.

What matters

To terrorist attacks on the rule of law needs to respond with full force, says you. But what does that mean? More patrols, more video surveillance, a ban on Salafist organizations, preventive detention, the Expansion of the secret services, border controls? Of proposals is not lacking. The discussions are important. However, activity should not be confused with activism.

On the attacks of September 11. In September 2001, the Afghanistan and the Iraq war, as well as the construction of a huge US followed-the American Department of Homeland security. Has the weakened terrorism? Al Qaeda operates long been decentralized, as a new threat of “Islamic state” was born. The anger about that is as correct as it is entitled, but as a rule of thumb: The more full-bodied to them, the fight is announced, the more accurate it must be checked, which is really useful and what priority the calming of the citizens brought.

daily mirror tomorrow location

for Free order to minimize

The dangers of terror, calls for cool heads. Because of the horrifying images, a temptation: to make desperate, insane, or radical, force people to change their behavior. This temptation to resist, is a certificate. Who is denounced as a glorification of the deeds of lawlessness, has not understood, what terrorists apart on our feelings, our souls, our balance. Therefore, we are doomed to Endure a reality, to change the without a sense of proportion is not possible. See the pictures and still be tolerant, decent, civil, and optimistic: that’s the point.

serenity prayer

During the Second world war, the American theologian and philosopher Reinhold Niebuhr wrote a prayer called the Serenity. Quickly it became popular. The first, not entirely kitsch-free rows are found on post cards, posters and calendars. They are: “God, grant me the Serenity to accept what I cannot change, courage to change the things I can change, and the wisdom to distinguish one from the other.” Who “strokes of God”, can agree to this request, certainly as an Atheist or Humanist.

More about

After the attack in Strasbourg, police increase security measures on Berlin’s Christmas markets

Alexander Fröhlich

Serenity is a stoic virtue, with Niebuhr in the Original asks for the “grace” of Serenity. Courage requires inner strength, freedom and independence. Wisdom: This is each Wise and also Vernünfteln. Slap these three character are not gifts. But they also don’t happen to be in a human. Who wants to be as a response to the terrorist are neither desperate nor crazy, or radical, can be based on them at least.