A quote in advance. “The time is out of joint: shame and grief that I came to the world, set them up,” says Shakespeare’s Hamlet, and the Verse sounds, as he would be in the diary of Theresa May. Something else Hamlet says: “parting is such bitter-sweet sorrow.”

the bitter defeat for may’s EU exit plans, and the time since 23. June 2016 in five Lessons. On this day, the voters of the UK decided with a narrow majority, that their country should leave the European Union. The weeks and months afterwards were turbulent, chaotic, dramatic.

lesson number one: the democracy is not to be trifled with. They legitimized the social order, it transmits Power and sovereignty from the people to its representatives. Results of democratic decision-making processes, whether in elections or referendums Express the binding will of the citizens. Therefore, you must be both of the Ruling and the Ruled respect. There should be a second Referendum on the Brexit? “If we do that, the people begin to question the value of democracy into question,” says May. Many Brits already warn of a “Brexit Betrayal”, a Brexit-fraud.

lesson number two: everyone Who votes, takes a high degree of responsibility. The vote should be free of momentary whims, of Spite, Cockiness or lesson designs. Every vote counts and can have serious consequences. The Brexit was one such consequence, as well as the election of Donald Trump to the President of the United States. It is a tribute to both the British and American Opposition, to have the result in spite of various procedural objections to voter manipulation through lies, propaganda, Facebook, Russians – accepted. The success of the Brexiteers and Trumpisten should not lead to a delegitimization of democracy itself.

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The EU should not make small

lesson number three: Europe is not self-evident. The UK’s exit from the EU, whether regulated or unregulated, is also a rejection of the pseudo-Europeanism, Pathos, bureaucracy, ignorance and Rhetoric. To the bad Image of the EU in the past years, she has contributed to self. The headlines were dominated by terms such as Euro crisis, unemployment, the pressure for Reform, austerity, debt, dispute over refugee distribution. Whenever the heads of the member States met to the summit, it was a crisis summit, which ended mostly in the early hours of the morning, with the hard-negotiated compromises.

lesson number four: Europe needs to be re-told. The justifications for a European unification through world war II experiences, and the resultant desire for peace no longer wear. It must succeed, currently from 28 countries and more than 500 million people, a project supported cheerfully, to explain in a pragmatic and visionary. A Reflection on the common historical embossing – antique, Roman Empire, Renaissance and Reformation, the enlightenment and parliamentary government, as to the minting of the previous values – freedom, emancipation, individualism, human rights, international law, climate change, multilateralism, tolerance.

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lesson number five: The EU must not make himself small. The UK’s exit is sad, but manageable. More self-awareness does Not, instead of fearful of oral and Ask for a whereabouts. Who wants to be a member in such a despondent Club? A slim majority of the British people has decided, in part, obvious reasons, for the Wrong thing. How you want to implement this decision now, since the result of the vote in the lower house in the stars. But it is time to accept the decision as such. The psychiatrist Elisabeth Kübler-Ross identified five stages of grief: Denial, anger, bargaining, Depression, acceptance. At the end of this phase, the insight, that life goes on, even in Europe.