
Altena Takes Steps to Become More Dementia-Friendly

Altena is making efforts to create a more dementia-friendly society. They are actively listening to residents who have firsthand experience with dementia and engaging in conversations with regional partners, GPs, and dementia case managers.

A Good Score on the Dementia Scan

By participating in the Dementia Scan conducted by Alzheimer Netherlands, Altena has achieved a good score. Wethouder Shah Sheikkariem stated, “To improve the situation for our residents even further, we are focusing on prevention and improving accessibility to services for people with dementia and their caregivers.”

Pilot Program for Simplifying the Wmo Registration Process

Wethouder Anneloes van Hunnik mentioned, “The pilot program, starting on June 10, aims to simplify the registration process for the Wmo.” This pilot program will explore how the preliminary work of dementia case managers can be utilized more efficiently in the Wmo allocation process, ultimately streamlining the process. Shah Sheikkariem added, “This will make the registration process for Wmo services more user-friendly and faster for residents with dementia.”

Goal: Enable People with Dementia to Participate in Society for as Long as Possible

The municipality of Altena aims to facilitate the participation of people with dementia and their caregivers in society for as long as possible. Wethouder Anneloes van Hunnik emphasized, “It is the responsibility of the municipality to ensure this is possible, with the right care and support.” Through the deployment of dementia case managers and the pilot program for a simpler Wmo registration process, the municipality hopes to achieve this goal.