Populism means something. The word thus. Just as fjärilssim and överdragsbyxor. But when you put your ear to the contemporary era, one can get the sense of that which is unlimited. During the spring term tossed around as carelessly as usual.

”Just populism”, said member of parliament, Jasenko Omanovic (S) about Jan Björklund (L) and his ordningsbetyg in the school. Ordningsbetygen may be signalpolitisk incense that teachers are never asked for but is it populism? Nah.

It did not Björklund from self-dismiss Jonas Sjöstedt (V) as a populist less than two weeks later, after vänsterledarens hot to make common cause with M, and KD in order to block any attempt to raise the EU contribution. Sure, there was a UNION-hostile hundvissla in the rumble from the unholy alliance (the government had not even been behind the increase in charges proposed in the first draft of a budget with patched Brexithål) but is it populism? Doubtful.

”For me, this is populism, not to be constructive”, suggested Sara Skyttedal (KD) in an unexpected outbreak of postmodernism.

populism. As the word therefore. Given that it is in a word of interest to be understood.

Aftonbladet leader board-called Conservatives kärnkraftskramande of ”classic populism”, the Norwegian playwright Jon Fosse saw ”a kind of populism” in crisis management in the Stockholm city theatre, the Swedish Academy and the royal dramatic theatre, while the other cried populism to the government’s signals if a prohibition of spelreklam. And I am almost sure that I heard someone call a sculpture of a cougar on the town hall Square in Umeå populist.

But it would take until the end before we got a årsbästa that can actually stand up in the odd branch misuse of the concept of populism.

”For me, this is populism, not to be constructive”, suggested Sara Skyttedal (KD) in an unexpected outbreak of postmodernism. The kind of scope we have not seen since rekordnoteringarna from the summer of 2018. But before we laugh at the replays we can treat the term’s actual meaning of a passage.

bottoms often in skenuppfattningen that populism is the same as the anticipated responsiveness and the wetted fingers in the air. Really it is not that simple and by the way there is already the word opportunism. If we are to have any use of the concept of populism, the political science research definition, be allowed to take root in the debate.

And even if it rests on several series-connected components are encapsulated in a few lines. Henrik Oscarsson, professor in political science at Gothenburg university and the leader of the valforskningsprogrammet, made in all the cases, an unusually good effort on Twitter some years ago: ”Populism is NOT a synonym for ’popular support/responsiveness’! Populism means (a) a simplified black-and-white message and solutions, based in the (b) claim to be the sole interpreter of the true public opinion, and (c) set A people against A monolithic samhällselit.”

If Kelly had more than 280 signs on, he had perhaps added something about the populist dramaturgins input values, that the camp is clean and unspoiled, a homogeneous group without internal contradictions, and a sort of magical vision in the shared superkraften COMMON SENSE. While the establishment is a corrupt and sammansvuren minority where all agree on everything, and nourish each other.

about the packaging than the content. It is as well not populism to suggest ordningsbetyg in the school (or a cougar on the square), populism is what happens when you suggest ordningsbetyg in the school (or a cougar) to the real world people are demanding it and are tired of the politicians and media who refuse to talk about the need for ordningsbetyg (or cougars) because the establishment has lost touch with the people. Populisten to pull out of the definite form singular.

Careful populism can of course download the individual phrases and names with a populist dramaturgy. For example, it is not unreasonable to talk about populism when KD announces the launch of a slogan as ”make the EU just in time again”. Or when LO is campaigning in the european Elections with the words ”Take back control!”. Or when weary editorialists and writers go to the attack on the island of Södermalm. Mustafa can’s populist tendencies teaches, however, do no harm to anyone but as a political project, is the populism is dangerous. If there is only one folkvilja and a true interpreter will be the easy to a point where the cultural deviations, democratic institutions and free press the most is in the way.

warrants a careful handling of the concept, and we are not there yet. But in 2019, we have not seen any approaching last year’s grossest carelessness. It was, of course, Jimmie Åkesson (SD), political cooled down in the shade of an incipient climate debate, said, ”to make the policies of of the the weather is populism”. It was then that the swishfinansierade viralgranskaren Rebecca Weidmo Uvell saw ”populism” in a prohibition against the straw into the plastic.

And it was then moderaten Ann Heberlein set the record when she called a MP-proposal to offer Polish women subsidized abortions in Sweden for populism. Nevertheless, it is perhaps the least populist move, I heard.