Helsinki complete Anniina Ala-Soini, 32, is a pervasive developmental disorder. Life is not always easy, but it is rich. Your inner world is the place where Tomi is safe.Pervasive developmental disorder is given Anniinalle rich inner world: ”There is so much fun, that I don’t even need a tv.” Henri Kärkkäinen
Picture of my life between a snow globe that someone is shaking and staring. I have since wondered why my life often seems to go in a different way than the other. Now I know why.
my Childhood was happy. I lived in a small town with my mother. I had already at that time, the boundless imagination and the skill to immerse yourself in your own world my. I could play for hours barbeillani, poneillani, autoillani and whatever.
I was happy also my cousins and neighbor kids, but when I was alone I felt that I got is never boring. My imagination was my friend.
the kindergarten age, I had varied names and roles, between which a weave. Sometimes adults say that I suffer from identity crisis. Although the phrase was intended as a joke, it was probably also true.
Henri Kärkkäinen
I don’t know exactly when or why I began to explore. Although I’ve tried, I haven’t gotten my hands on all of my papers from this period. My mother is, in turn, have missed some events.
however, I Was already in kindergarten age, often in hospitals, assessment and rehabilitation of the pups. Most active studies were just before school started.
I Went to, inter alia, speech, physical and occupational therapy sensory integration therapy, where adjusting to a variety of sensations. You might, for example, sit on the swing and talk to my therapist or jump a jump rope. When I think of my research as an adult, it is clear that I had sensory abnormalities and the development of time-lag, which they were trying to figure out this.
I Learned, for example, motor skills such as climbing trees, neatly writing, skating and riding a bike slower than the others.
I have to still difficult to perceive on motor function. If I lean my elbow and it fell off the table, you might fright. My senses work a little differently than the other.
I Need a time also eating, because chewing and swallowing is going slowly. I have the exact food composition and taste. I don’t eat happy compote, mössöjä or soups.
autism association has an autism spectrum disorder persons with an interest group. Tomi left the association activities according to three years ago. Henri Kärkkäinen
Part of the studies of the doctors have me install problems and the mentally ill. Me insulting and annoying, that I had heard as a child myself so drastic claims. My situation was not seen as a whole.
so I just fiddled with, for example, happy fabric back, when I wanted to focus on. Professionals marked by my behavior just special. They did not understand, that I act this way, so I got to keep brain function my running, when I think of something. I was easily think, when someone part of my body was in motion. Today, I open my hair with my fingers tangle free.
When I started school, support operations ran out. Although I liked school, I came across there, too challenges. Teachers consider me to be sloppy.
in Middle school my college was better. My average was 8.5. Hobbies music, writing and dancing. Maybe my situation leveled it, too, because my childhood was so difficult. Puberty kapinoinnille there was no need.
student write my after thinking about what I want to do and study. I experienced again, that I was difficult to find my place and I don’t understand why some things seem to me constantly more challenging than others. In my life there was nothing permanent.
Henri Kärkkäinen
Ten years ago the labour office psychologist sent me finally about a year lasting rehabilitation research. After a little research my papers read F84.8, i.e. other pervasive developmental disorder. It is part of the autism spectrum.
I Was relieved, even though my diagnosis didn’t say anything at first. However, I was glad that vaikeuksilleni to find a neurological basis. Things and situations were given names.
my Diagnosis means that I have problems with, for example, in social interaction and loss of motor skills. I talk to myself, preferably with autism or neurokirjon as a person, because a neurological diagnosis has a number of similarities.
business sense will cause more problems between. I get lost too easily, and I don’t drive a car. Once I got fired from my internship place, because I was perceived to be constantly angry-looking. I was confused, because I had enjoyed the work and community consultation.
the Situation seems unfair, because I did my best and I think that everything is going well. I had hoped that my situation would be spoken of directly. Thus I had the opportunity to understand.
Henri Kärkkäinen
At the moment my life is going smoothly. I like good coffee, food and art experiences of the past. I enjoy the anonymous of my life in Helsinki, and among the merger. In the big city is easy to breathe.
in Addition, I have a home and a job as a nanny. I enjoy my work immensely. I’m thankful for, because the current team takes me encouragingly.
Although sometimes I think I’ve done in my life less than the other, my thoughts do not last long. The fact that piuhani are differently folded than the other, does not make me inferior.
Three years ago, I went according to the autism alliance activities. Work experience expert, because I want to share knowledge.
Recently, I spoke at the city of Helsinki employees with autism spectrum disorder. It seems to be more important.
a Diagnosis of ”other pervasive developmental Jokerbet disorder” did not say Anniinalle first anything. The diagnosis after examining however, he did explain many things. Henri Kärkkäinen
all my life I Have sought to take the majority population into account and understand them.
I would Hope that between also me trying to understand. If I do something slowly, I don’t do so out of spite.
in principle, I mean always good. I’m not intentionally realizing or look angry.
in my Situation is definitely also a plus. I feel safe because I always have my own, my inner world, where I can retreat. The next goal is to find a channel of expression, which allows to tell the world my also other. There is so much fun, that I don’t even need a tv.
If the autism and neurokirjon things are new, give yourself time to adjust and understand. Not everything can nor need to learn immediately. The secret to open it.
also, Don’t worry, if your child can not for some characteristics due to do something. He has his own story and that’s what makes him valuable.