US President Donald Trump has played in the dispute on the desired wall at the border to Mexico again on the successful series “Game of Thrones”. “THE WALL IS COMING,” wrote Trump on Thursday at the online network Instagram.

Under his likeness of the lettering, with the series title inspired double bar barrier through the “O”, including a picture of Trump’s planned Border emblazoned on the image.

The original quote in the series is “Winter is coming”. Trump uses online media as well as allusions to movies and TV shows again and again, to apply its policies or measures to announce.

he availed himself also of already “GoT”-quote: In November, he published a photo in the style of a movie poster with the announcement that “The sanctions”. Were meant in order for new sanctions against Iran in the nuclear conflict. The HBO “Game of Thrones” broadcasts, was not very enthusiastic about that.

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Trumps wall order-plans columns the USA and have led to a fierce struggle for the budget. Currently, the U.S. of a budget freeze, paralyzed, which met before Christmas in the force, because couldn’t some of the government and the Parliament on a budget.

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the sticking point is the financing of the Trump proposed wall on the border to Mexico. The Democrats and even some Republicans are opposed to a wall. (AFP)