Sudanese police said a protester died in connection with Saturday’s protests. It should have been in Omdurman just outside the capital Khartoum.
“It was illegal gatherings in Khartoum and in other areas,” says polisgeneralen Hashim Abdelrahim, reports the AFP.
suggest that the death toll could be higher. A terrorist group of doctors in the country said on Sunday that five people died in connection with the protests, writes CNN.
”To kill peaceful protesters will make this revolution even greater,” writes the organization on its Facebook page.
as thousands of people gathered outside the presidential palace. On Sunday morning, the protests continued through a sittdemonstration with thousands of participating. After that, the group slept over at the site, said witnesses, according to Reuters.
at the same time, occurred on Sunday, a total power outage in the country. It confirms the country’s ministry of electricity and water for Reuters. Authorities have not given any explanation for the power interruption, but says that they are trying to fix the problem.