It is a strangely suggestive title, for that always when the word ”truth” is, there are the numerous lies. The story begins with the night Julia starts in a new school, a new teaterlinje, in a new city. She turns out to be the only dark-skinned and comes in a pure white teaterklass who suspiciously regard her: they have managed to get their seats in the fierce competition, Julia has for some reason had to start without even searching.

that is about the theatre tend to be horror stories (such as Magnus Nordins ”Black drama” and Sara Bergmark Elfgrens ”Norra Latin”), so also this. It is something with the theatre masks, of course, with man’s ability to pretend to be different. But it is also about the opposite: the theatre’s ability to draw up emotions in the light.

Julia’s teaterklass led by a despotic teacher, Raphael, who seems to have a lot of problems with the limits to the students. One of them, the class leading lady Ester of waste Rock, is suddenly disappeared.

So far it is interesting, but unfortunately, it is as if the Moa Eriksson Sandberg has not really been able to implement its story. In the rapid scene shifts, the breakneck plot, there is murder, attempted murder and hauntings, while Julia herself is heading out as a barndetektiv à la Lassemajas detektivbyrå.

hugely productive since his debut with ”Cute boys are just pretend” 2011, with both the young adult books that pekböcker. Just last year, she produced five new titles. Maybe it is the high production rate that make that she is not able to portray and build up the tension gradually, but instead allows all involved to present all of the clues immediately, without even thinking about it. That when two people break in to a lone woman on the night she is screaming no and calling the police, without giving them any clues.

It is a shame on the so, sweet peas, and then it appears that the Moa Eriksson Sandberg can do better.