The impasse to the Brexit this week in a new round. On this Tuesday, the British Prime Minister, Theresa May, in Northern Ireland, wants to summon a negotiated solution with the EU, and in the morning, the Irish head of government Leo Varadkar in Brussels would like to apply about the consequences of an unregulated Brexit talk. Three options are currently in the room: There is time before the planned exit on may 29. In March a Deal between London and the EU, there is no Deal – or Brexit-the date is moved due to the Negotiation deadlock.

An extension of the Brexit negotiations for a few weeks about the 29. March is also likely to be relatively easy to organize. May have to make in this case, the application of article 50 of the EU-Treaty period is extended. Such an extension would then have to agree to all of the other 27 EU States. EU-great-grandson, Donald Tusk, has already indicated that the 27 remaining countries would, if necessary, to draw a “reasoned request for an extension” in recital.

Legal issues break

prepare the head, However, the question concerns the legal experts in Brussels and Strasbourg, break, what would happen if the Brexit-would be extended negotiations for several months. Because between the 23. and 26. In may, European elections, and the UK would have to participate as a member of the EU. Article 20 of the EU Treaty States clearly that EU citizens “can exercise in the member state in which they reside, the active and passive right to vote in elections to the European Parliament”.

A request from the British to the extension of the deadline is not before

Both the EU Commission and the European Parliament, although stressing that the United Kingdom had, as yet, made no application for an extension of the article a 50-period of time. Therefore, one does not want to speculate about what it would mean for the European elections, if the Brexit would in a sense go into overtime.

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For the case that the British participate in the European elections and then of the EU’s departure, has taken the European Parliament, at least on paper, already Prevention. Then it would be the beginning of the new session beginning July first in the current number of MEPs from 751 members, at the exit of the British, the number would then 705 mandate holders to fall.

In London is “the final EU-madness” the speech

indeed, it is, however, if the Brexit negotiations continue over the coming summer, but the British refuse to at the same time, Europe to hold elections. Conceivably, such a course of things would be quite, because the appetite for a renewed participation in the European elections on the island is not very pronounced. The newspaper “Express” referred to the possibility that the British would once more send MEPs to Strasbourg, as a precaution, once as a “final EU madness” – that is, as “a final EU-madness”.

The legal consequences of a refusal of EU-member Britain in the European election will be assessed in the EU Commission and the European Parliament are different. According to the words of the EU Commission’s spokesman Margaritis Schinas of the electoral rights of the EU can be provided to citizens not in question. As guardian of the EU treaties, the authorities in Brussels believe that, at the latest, in the Constitution of the new European Parliament on may 2. July is mandatory in each member country, elected members of the European Parliament would have to be named, said Schinas recently.

the European Parliament wants to case, in each case, to the Constitution in July to hold

that the British tails of the European election, is not assessed in the European Parliament, however, quite so dramatically. The experts in Strasbourg to support, among other things, an opinion of the legal service of the European Parliament from 2017. The Europe would be choice in the UK, despite the still non-separation from the EU, then the UK would be in breach to fulfil its obligations under the EU Treaty, the European Parliament. Nevertheless, Europe could be the Parliament as scheduled on may 2. July has been legally constituted.

member McAllister: divorce-willed Brits should be no later than July

“The legal possibilities of the UK leaving the EU on the date of the European elections of 23. to 26. To move in may 2019, controversial“, said the EPP group MEP David McAllister, the daily mirror. Should “no later than the beginning of the new legislative period at the beginning of July 2019 the UK will be eliminated, provided that London holds, in principle, on Brexit,” said the Chairman of the foreign Affairs Committee. In his words, “it would not be to explain to the people in the EU, if the British members would move to the European Parliament and the new Commission and the new directions for the future of the EU could decide to leave only a few weeks later, our community”.