Once the Uk leaves the EU occurs a large hole in the EU budget. The remaining 27 member states are faced with a strategic choice: Pay more or lose weight expenditure.

the EUROPEAN commission has as a first förhandlingsbud proposed that the craft should be raised by 15 billion per year – a significant increase from the current level of the charge at around 40 billion.

– who will manage the negotiations – said no to. The goal is to keep down the fee by weight of the total budget, and the transfer of resources from agricultural subsidies and the structural funds to new, eager bets on, for example, security, migration and klimatomställning.

” the EU needs a modern budget. A budget that includes priorities. Here, one must examine the challenges the EUROPEAN union has. Now, if it is security and migration and climate, gender equality perhaps, then, it must also be seen, “the Socialists’ top candidate Heléne Fritzon.

Alice Bah Kuhnke (MP). Photo: Anette Nantell

, which is at the top on the Green party list, are on the same line.

– We believe in redistributing the resources that are available. A big thing is of course the agricultural subsidies that can be carried out more effectively. And we want big parts, much greater than in day, shall be paid to the climate and invested in everything from research to conversion, ” she says.

the Government of both co-operation parties says the other hand, yes, to raise the membership fee, even if none of the top candidates in the EUROPEAN elections to name a few sums.

the Liberal candidate Karin Karlsbro stands behind the French president Emmanuel Macrons visions of a wider and deeper EUROPEAN cooperation. And such cooperation will require greater joint efforts.

“We are prepared to invest and are willing to increase the budget,” she says.

Karin Karlsbro (L). Photo: Jonas Lindkvist

from The Mep Fredrick Federley. He is also critical of the plans to greatly slim down the cap: Even though 30% of the EU budget goes to agricultural policy, so, it corresponds to only 0.3 per cent of EU countries ‘ total GDP.

– So we spend 0.3 per cent of total budgets on healthy and safe food for the entire union. The sum of this so it is only in relation to the EU budget as the cap is large. In relation to the national budgets, so it is small, ” he says.

Soraya Post of the Feminist initiative – which parts of the group with the social democrats in the european parliament – believe that EU membership will cost more.

” I think it is worth it because of how it looks around us. We are not the challenges themselves. It is necessary that we keep the EU as an organisation and cooperation. If we are to succeed with the goals we have for the future as regards climate policy, what it comes to social policy, when it comes to gender equality, violence against women, for example, ” she says.

to reach a compromise on the home front: the Opposition to the right and the left say very firmly no to to raise the craft. They are prepared to slim down ranging from agricultural policy to regional aid and investment in infrastructure.

Malin Björk (V) think Sweden should be prepared to use its veto in the budget negotiations.

” I think that it seems extremely silly to go into these negotiations and not to have some requirements with them. It is, of course, if you don’t want to see an increase in the budget, but it is also about what the money should go to. There will be no klimatomställning, there will be a militarisation of the EU, there will be only walls instead of the recipient, then I see no reason why we would not use our veto, ” she says

She thinks that the EUROPEAN commission carries out an ugly game in the negotiations on the budget. Where unite her with one of his antagonists – sverigedemokraten Peter Lundgren.

” I know it is a förhandlingsbud. But the EU has hubris in any way and think they can do what they want and the member states shall only obey and follow after. No, there will be no more money, ” he says.

is campaigning to make the EU more ”bite” again and this applies in the highest degree, the scope of the budget.

– The radical increase of the EU budget as currently proposed would mean more than a 35% increase for Sweden. It is not minor adjustments. I think you should fix your mouth after lunch and a priority of much more in the budget. Both the big items, today’s regional policy and agricultural policy that can transform in a completely different way than what you do today, ” she says.

Moderaten Tomas Tobé has basically the same idea. He points out that the Swedish EU-the fee was reduced under the alliance government.

– Now we get to see what the current government to cope with in the negotiations. But it is not reasonable that we should continue with a regional policy where we have to stand for major investments in infrastructure in other countries. It is basically not the redistribution of contributions in the EU countries who have built our competitiveness, but it is free enterprise, and to tear down barriers to trade.

Listen to the interviews with the parties toppkandidater in the EU elections