In the house of Commons this week to a further series of Brexit-votes that could seal Theresa may’s fate. At the weekend, the London Newspapers began to spin with speculation of a supposedly imminent coup of the Cabinet against the conservative Prime Minister. Before re-Brexit debate in the British house of Commons on Monday afternoon, Prime Minister Theresa May for an hour with her Cabinet meets for a special session. It should on a Monday morning, not only a way out of the Chaos around the EU-exit go to the British, but also the head of government.

This had already been enthusiasts on Sunday afternoon, leading Brexit, including the Ex-Minister Boris Johnson and Dominic Raab, to talk at their country seat, Chequers received. Also present Vice-the Prime Minister, David Lidington, of various Gazettes as a possible “Transition”-a successor to be named, said: “For intrigue, I don’t have time.”

The rumors of a Showdown at today’s Cabinet meeting to illustrate how nervous the leading Conservative on the results of the EU summit on Friday. There are 14 additional days to decide on the planned exit date to this Friday, had been given to the country first.

Should agree to the Parliament, contrary to expectations, in the third attempt, between May and Brussels negotiated exit package, would be the separation on the 22. May. Celebrities Brexit advocates lobbied for the regulated outlet. “It’s the only Deal we have,” argued Gisela Stuart, a Labour figurehead of the exit campaign, as well as the former Tory party leader Michael Howard.

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On Saturday, had considerably more than a Million people in London demonstrated for a second referendum, and in order for the EU’s whereabouts. Kilometers long, the participants crowded on the train from Hyde Park to the square in front of the Parliament. There they heard the speeches of prominent politicians of all major parties, including the conservative former Deputy Prime Minister Michael Heseltine, labour’s Deputy chief, Tom Watson, as well as the Scottish Prime Minister Nicola Sturgeon of the national party, SNP.

Five million support Petition against Brexit

“you don’t speak for us, Theresa,” was, to the address of the Prime Minister turned, one of the many self-made posters. The Internet is an electronic Petition to Parliament Furore, the wish for the withdrawal of the outlet request power for a few days. The claim was backed up Sunday afternoon, more than five million signatories.

All options are set to collide next week in the house again. On Wednesday, it is not a series of binding votes. The party cross-initiators, headed by the Ex-Ministers Oliver Letwin (Tory) and Hilary Benn (Labour) want to determine what solution can imagine the members of Parliament for the Brexit-Blockade.

a choice of different forms of Brexits: from the chaotic exit with no agreement (“No Deal, besides the termination of the exit and the second Referendum”) relating to the negotiation package to a comfy retirement, in which the island would remain in the single market and the customs Union. It remains unclear so far, what are the procedures for the Vote to expire. “This has a significant impact on the result”, Jill Rutter from the Thinktank IfG to consider.

That may’s term of office comes to an end, in December clear. A vote of confidence in the group, survived the 62-Year-old only by their public promise: you will lead the Torys “in the next election”. The next election in 2022.

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speculation about May follow-Who is this David Lidington?

Albrecht Meier

The decision to delay calls to all those on the Plan, the claim behind more or less secretively, they would achieve in future negotiations with the EU better results than May. This Ex-Brexitminister Raab and Ex count-Minister of foreign Affairs Johnson as well as Johnson’s successor, Jeremy Hunt and environment Secretary Michael Gove. To be considered, the candidate, as currently all of the politics on the island, by the Brexit-Prism. Other criteria, such as competence or popularity of the conservative core electorate also play a minor role. Sebastian Borger