The british parliament has voted by a vote of 438-20 premature elections 12. December.Earlier in the evening, the house of commons, prevented by 315-295 the labour party’s draft election bring forward the date on December 9. day by 315-259.The european union issued yesterday by the british to the new brexit-overtime.

in the Uk will be held early parliamentary elections 12. December. Parliament voted in the evening by 438-20 elections for that time.

Earlier in the evening, parliament voted the leader of the opposition Jeremy corby’s the presentation, which envisaged elections to be held on 9. December, the prime minister of Boris Johnson presented by the government 12. days instead. House of lords deals with the bill tomorrow.

johnson’s government presented a new election, and it received the support of both brexit to oppose the liberal democrats and the Scottish national party SNP.

johnson’s view, elections are held, because the current parliament is unable to make a decision on the EU gap.

the Parliament has discussed the voting age fell, but they do not vote today. Johnson’s political representative, told reporters earlier that the prime minister cancel plans for early elections if the parliament decides to decrease the äänestysiän or allow EU citizens to vote.

the Prime minister Johnson fired his party 21 konservatiivia in September, because they did not support his plan to withdraw from the EU – by agreement or without. On Tuesday, he announced that 10 of them have been taken back to the party.

the EU formally adopted its extension

European union issued yesterday by the british to the new brexit-overtime. European council president Donald Tusk said on Twitter that the union approved the moratorium officially today and reminded that this could be the last time, when additional time is granted.

the Moment before the parliament session began, the opposition leading party, the labour party announced its support for new elections. Chairman Jeremy Corby confirmed in the session.

corby’s announcement was in practice the election campaign began. He said his party would start a very ambitious and radical campaign, which aims to land a thorough reform.

brimstone-smelling parliament debate

Yesterday, Monday, Johnson tried to get a decision on the election of parliament’s decisions, which would have required a two-thirds majority. The labour party against the company failing to vote.

Analysis: Disappointments possessed by Boris Johnson I hope today premature christmas present – the election of throughput is now close to the Uk

the agenda Today is the second way, the electoral law changes, which can be obtained through a simple majority. Its throughput is already virtually certain.

British prime minister Boris johnson andy Rain / EPA

the liberal democrats and the SNP require support as a condition that the government promise that the possibility of non-agreement brexit was closed off, and that the government promises that it will try the EU-difference between the contract ratification before the election. The government’s aid to the anodic promised to fulfill the conditions.

the Labour leader of Corby announced before the session began, that promise no-deal option of closing out is realized.

the Government has argued that the change in the law, all the steps would go through the same day. It is hoped that the deliberations would be enough for six hours.

Because the election law change is already virtually assured, the party leaders have already started to campaign in. Johnson and Corby berated each other and each other’s parties mercilessly.

Johnson mentioned that Corby is known as an avid porridge eaters as. Now he has Johnson, according to eat to be given oatmeal as it is, unlike fairy tales Goldilocks who refuses too hot and the cold porridge.

Corby, in turn, berated the government’s policy, which, he says, pushed many people into poverty and increased income inequality.

to Continue, mr Bercow?

the session of the first parliament decided to approve the election law change processing day of the session, but accepted that the draft law can be to make changes.

President John Bercow advised the representatives that this issue used a lot of time, because presumably the representatives want to discuss the matter, namely elections. Time is of the essence.

Mr Bercow also mentioned that even though he has announced he was leaving his place at the end of October, and he has no need to stay in office, he can continue, if the representatives so desire.

Sources: Reuters, AFP

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