German Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU) has received the British Prime Minister Theresa May for talks in Berlin. In the centre of the interview, the further procedure of the British EU-exit. May is seeking backing for its request for an extension of the deadline for the EU.

On Wednesday evening, an EU special summit, whether the British will be granted once the postponement or whether it comes on Friday to the dreaded hard Brexit. On the afternoon of May travels to Paris, where she meets the evening, the French President, Emmanuel Macron. The online portal, Buzzfeed reported, citing European diplomats, Macron wool at the end of a Brexit-a deferment of up to a year. The French President also Checks every three months. This does not should be ensured that the United Kingdom, the EU defines transactions to a standstill.

Among the EU member States Agreement to give the UK a further delay is, according to diplomats. Just before the special summit will only discuss about the conditions for an extension of time and the duration, it was said after a Ministerial meeting in Luxembourg to prepare for the meeting.

A part of the member States, therefore, is the exit period, as the government in London wished for – to 30. To extend June. Another part prefers a longer delay, the risk of renewed discussions in the summer of exclude. The Trend in the direction of a longer term, it said.

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A condition for a re-displacement of the Leaving date should be that of the Britons to participate in may at the European elections. This is to ensure that there are no legal difficulties, if the United Kingdom should be in the summer still a member of the EU, but no deputies elected. In addition, member States want to achieve, that the British government is committed to active in EU decisions to intervene. Relevant to this, for example, in the case of the appointment of the next EU-Commission President, or in the negotiations on the EU financial framework for the years 2021 to the end of 2027.

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Brexit summit An extension without a Plan there cannot be

Albrecht Meier

so Far, the outlet for the 12. April planned – that is, next Friday. Without further delay, it would come to a termination without agreement. This could have especially for the economy, serious consequences, because customs controls would have to be introduced. (AFP, dpa)