The German Bank has offices in the USA unpleasant questions about transactions with US President Donald Trump and the environment. To take high-level representatives of the US Democrats enterprises after the Takeover of the majority in the house of representatives in a new start-up, Trumps business relations with the largest German money house under the magnifying glass. The Chairman of the Finance Committee and the intelligence Committee, Maxine Waters, and Adam Schiff, want to join forces. “We will work together,” said ship to the US policy sheet “Politico” on Wednesday (local time).

“The Bank has received a request from the House Financial Services and Intelligence Committees,” said a spokesman for the German Bank in Frankfurt on Thursday. “The Bank is in a constructive dialogue with this Committee, to support them in their Supervisory functions in the best possible way. We will continue to provide all official investigations, the required information is available.“

US-based Bank imposed a $ 41 million fine

deputies of the Democrats to penetrate a long time on a study of the transactions between Trump and Deutsche Bank, as well as possible Connections to Russia. So far, they were rebuffed, however, always, since trump is the Republican controlled Senate and house of representatives. The latter has changed with the mid-term elections. Now, the opposition politicians, who want to check Trumps “money trail” on dubious Connections can initiate a self-study.

Deutsche Bank is in focus as it was at times as Trumps house Bank, and to him prior to his presidency, high level of loans granted. This should be done also in a time in which many of the other houses wanted to do with the multiple bankruptcies preloaded real-estate Mogul.

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For additional suspicion of the Democrats, a Russian black money scandal makes because of the suspicion of collusion between the Trump campaign, and Russia, in the Deutsche Bank was involved in. Customers of the Bank should have washed previous to information from the US authorities, between 2011 and 2015, via Moscow, New York and London around ten billion dollars in rubles-black money from Russia. The Institute was accused of it because at the time, not sufficient internal controls over the years failed to stop it. The US Central Bank, the Fed imposed in may 2017, a fine in the amount of $ 41 million against Deutsche Bank. (dpa)