The new year has not yet begun and already the first Grand coalition conflict 2019. Once again it comes to Migration. Although the Cabinet agreed yesterday on a skilled workers immigration law. It is questionable, however, whether the fractions of the CDU and the SPD follow suit in the coming year. Not finally, a crucial point is that the toleration of rejected asylum seekers with the Job – as a “lane change is clarified, namely,” known.

The whole year of arguing, the Grand coalition. As a compromise, the Minister Seehofer, healing and Altmaier want to now allow professionals to asylum seekers for 30 months stay. “Much too little”, it means from the left SPD wing. In the Union, there are “significant concerns” that the scheme could promote illegal immigration. Both factions announce the “intensive discussions” for the new year. Translated, this means: new, old dispute.

the Merzrevolution?

Comes in 2019, the Merzrevolution? Merkel’s critics in the CDU’s hope so, anyway. You want Friedrich Merz makes more in politics. Not only behind the Scenes. But “externally visible”, as the CDU-Bundestag member Matthias Heider calls. “If alterations are made, should Merz be for a Minister taken into account,” says the Vice-Chairman of the “Mittelstand” and economic Union in the Union.

In the view Heider has the economic or the defense Department. Only: Merkel wants to give the Merz nothing. Government spokesman Steffen Seibert made it clear time, as a precautionary measure: “The Chancellor is not planning any Cabinet reshuffle.”

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order is still: In the coming year, a reconstruction of the Ministerial team is necessary. Minister of justice Katarina Barley is the top candidate of the SPD in the European elections, it goes in the spring to Brussels. Horst Seehofer, left in November in a close circle said that he no longer wanted to remain without a party chair for a long the Minister of the interior.

this statement will remind him of his Cabinet colleagues for sure. And other Ministers have made in recent times is not a good character: for example, defense Minister Ursula von der Leyen, in the adviser affair or Minister of education, Anja Karliczek (“5G is not at every milk jug necessary”). It is not unreasonable that it comes to castling.

More about

After a failed presidency candidacy Merkel: No Cabinet post for Friedrich Merz

Maria Fiedler

The capital situation of Mary Fiedler and her Team is part of the daily mirror-Morning, the news summary for policy-makers. Free of charge, you can register here. In our Podcast “Five minutes in Berlin”, explains Maria Fiedler also, what is it in the Capital.