several cases of chickenpox have been noted in the Hässelbyområdet the last time. This has caused concern for health care, report My in.

Chickenpox is an airborne disease which is highly contagious after an infected person visited the health centers have health facility to close in two hours and descinficera the waiting room and other premises. When this occurs, all of the planned visits by the patients to be booked on.

the week is this a measure Åkermyntans health center forced to to four times. This then the parents have taken with children infected with chicken pox to vårdcentralens drop-in reception without having to first contact care.

in the Midst of writing that just before christmas was the health center had to close down two times in the same day after then a parent turned up with a sick child right after a descinfiering been completed.

the medical center calls on the parents who suspect that their child received the chicken pox first call to the clinic to get advice. Interested can also contact 1177 – Vårdguiden.

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