According to the FDP-Chef Christian Lindner could the CDU, his party Boss Annegret choose Kramp-karrenbauer in the case of a change of government to the Chancellor. “If it’s with Mrs. Kramp-Karrenbauer, a program for the renewal of the country, and a fair cooperation is possible, we can imagine that,” he told the Berliner “Tagesspiegel” (Sunday edition). The Lindner is referring to the case that should there be a Failure of the Grand coalition government without new elections to a Jamaica-coalition.
The FDP leader said that he think that is unlikely. “I believe that the Grand coalition in power until 2021.” Alternatively, he could imagine that the SPD Kramp-Karrenbauer pick next year to the Chancellor. “The social Democrats, but expensive to pay billions for their projects,” said Lindner.
Lindner calls for payment of a “climate dividend” to put a price to the citizens
in view of the protests for more climate protection de FDP-chief, CO2 requires emissions and the revenue to the population to pay. “The billions from the sale of CO2-pollution rights should not flow in the conventional state budget, but the citizens are paid per head,” said Lindner of the Berlin “Tagesspiegel” (Sunday edition).
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FDP-Chef Lindner speaks strikers students with climate expertise
it is Possible that by “annual cheque for Christmas from the IRS”. Lindner calls this a “climate dividend”. So could also be at increase in the prices of the flight in the holiday paid for it. “This is an Anti-yellow West program,” he said. The example of France shows that climate policy must be socially just. Lindner also criticised, once again, the free daily climate strike of hundreds of thousands of students. “You can’t complain about the loss of teaching time and learning conditions, and then truancy to speak of the Holy,” he said.