It is a Swedish team from Lund university who have investigated on major holidays or important sporting events, the time of day or day of week may be linked to heart attacks.

Swedish database, the team designed 283.014 cases of myocardial infarction that occurred between the years 1998 and 2013.

the Result was clear. Midsummer’s eve and christmas accounted for significantly more cases of heart attacks than kontrollperioderna two weeks before and after the feasts. Easter and major sporting events stack not out.

During the midsummer eve got 15% more people heart attack than a normal day and during the christmas season, 12 per cent.

at 8 also proved to be a danger.

But the most risky is the actual christmas eve. And the most dangerous time is around the clock 22. Then increased the number of heart attacks by 37 percent, compared with a normal day.

the Reason can the researchers be the expectations and the tension that exists in these two feasts. The risk was highest for people aged over 75. The research group hedge themselves, however, that there may be other factors not taken into consideration.

in the latest issue of the medical journal BMJ.

In the same magazine shows a group of canadian researchers that the patients who are sent home from hospital during the month of december are at a higher risk than others to die or relapse of the disease.