In the presidential election in the Democratic Republic of the Congo it is come on Sunday to delays, violence and irregularities. Almost a quarter of the polling stations have not opened in a timely manner, reported the British broadcaster BBC. Many also have lacked the computer or not work.

An employee of the electoral Commission and a policeman were killed in the district of Walungu in the province of South Kivu. Previously a have lot brought the poll workers accused of influencing the vote, said the Commission Chairman Corneille Nangaa on Sunday evening. The staff have tried, to repair a voting machine. The crowd got him lynched, even the policeman had died. The activist Patient Bashombe the dpa news Agency reported a third dead in Walungu, as the police had opened fire.

Congolese journalists that the police have also used in Mbandaka tear gas. The human rights organization Human Rights Watch spoke of “systematic irregularities” and evidence of fraud. Independent observers access to polling stations was denied.

In the Eastern Congo, armed rebels forced the closure of some polling stations, in the South-Western province of Mai-Ndombe devastated, therefore, applied to the office of human choice, because ballot papers were missing. Around 540 voting machines broke down, some polling stations remained unanswered, even after the official closing time, because voters were waiting in a long queue in front of it on your vote. Election observers of the Catholic bishops ‘ conference (CENCO) registered 194 violence incidents.

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some 40 million Congolese people were called to choose a successor to President Joseph Kabila, is since 2001 in the office and not allowed to compete. The choice should have been the expiry of his second term the end of 2016, to take place, but Kabila suspended the election. Only under massive pressure he found himself to an election date. The choice is to usher in the first peaceful transition of power in the Congo, since the Central African country achieved independence in 1960.

The outgoing President Kabila described the election as free and fair, as he handed in his voice. An agreement at the last Minute, with the goal of peace and tranquility in the environment of the elections to be true, was not between the three main candidates on Saturday, as the French international broadcaster, reported RFI.

For displeasure provided also, that 1.2 million voters in strongholds of the Opposition were excluded because of an Ebola outbreak and the ongoing Fight with the militia, in fact, of the vote. You should be able to equivalent prefix to access in March – when the new President will be according to the Plan, long in office. In the affected Region of the Beni was organized in Protest of a symbolic choice.

the choice of goods approved 21 candidates. Desire successor to Kabila’s former Minister of the interior Emmanuel ramazani was the photographer Shadary, was considered the favorite. Because of the bloody suppression of protests, he was occupied, however, by the EU sanctions. He must not be allowed to enter the EU, and his assets in the EU was blocked.

As the prospect of the Opposition candidates rich were Martin Fayulu, and Felix Tshisekedi. Is elected, who received the most votes. A second ballot is not provided. The election was last again from the 23. on the 30. December has been postponed. The reason is a large brand, the number of elective computer was destroyed. The election Commission wants the result at the 15. January. 18. January to be sworn in the new head of state.

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Congo, elections in the sign of Chaos

Markus Schönherr

The Opposition has warned for weeks against tampering and counterfeiting. In the election campaign, there was often violence against members of the opposition. In protests were killed according to Amnesty International, about 300 people. In addition to the President were elected on Sunday for a new Parliament and regional representatives. The Congo is rich in raw materials such as Coltan, is but one of the poorest countries in the world. (epd, dpa)