The meeting with the president Ursula von der Leyen has been postponed, but the document of the european parliament and of the Pd puts in black and white that has been lacking in the Europe of the emergency coronavirus. The title is itself significant: “Coronavirus: Europe must change”, and following the proposals to “act now”. Because – as they explain an entry in the sixteen meps dem – “Brussels should shake and has not done so far.” By Patrizia Toia to Massimiliano Smeriglio, from Brando Benifei Simona Bonafè, Giuliano Pisapia, Pietro Bartolo, Irene Tinagli, and others, with the support of David Sassoli, who is now the president of the european Parliament, you must roll up your sleeves and not put any more time out of the way. If it is true that health care is a competence of individual member States, equally true is that the challenge will not win divided, and then it takes a coordination between the States to “address the crisis in a unified and effective”.
And then the document lists first, the measures on the face of health care: in the first place, the construction of a central purchasing european to sort out the materials needed for the prevention and care and thus prevent a useless and harmful competition. The Italian Health ministry, from the day he insists on this. In addition, the creation of a consortium of european research on the vaccine Covid-19 involving the best research centers of the member States.
then There are the interventions mandatory on the economic front, ranging from the action of support to employees and self-employed trade, small and medium-sized enterprises, with particular attention to workers in precarious and atypical. Then the extraordinary intervention at the european level with the involvement of the european central Bank to limit the negative impacts of the epidemic on the financial markets and money by providing all the necessary liquidity to the real economy and facilitating access to credit for households and businesses through the issuance of eurobonds.
But is among the proposals to support families and the needy in the request for a bonus europe of unemployment. , of course, are the flexibility and make possible the aid of State two central themes. Europe has underestimated the impact of the coronavirus, must now do its part. “If anything, we see that in these hours is moving on – to start from the bottom 25 billion for work and health announced by the von der Leyen – not stop at the first measures “, the press Benifei. Still, the document recommends that the defence of the single market by prohibiting any measure which is not justified scientifically that restrict the free movement of goods and, in particular, our excellent food”
The document is the examination of the other groups of meps in Italian, from the lega to the grillini. Emery: it would be important that adhere and move with more effectiveness. Paolo Gentiloni, the Eu commissioner for the economy, and it was delivered personally.
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