‘Dangerous levels.’
this is the description of how many ‘lortebakterier’ as for example E. coli, a group of researchers found when they tested 90 lumps of hash in the Spanish capital, Madrid.
It writes the BBC according to the Science.dk.
In the study collected teacher and ph.d. José Manuel Moreno Pérez from the Universidad Complutense in Madrid hashprøverne directly from the street vendors.
the Aim was to find out whether hashprøverne were appropriate to be consumed by people.
the Researchers organized the collected lumps after their shape, since some of them had the form as ’acorns’, and some had the form as ’bullion’.
the Results were surprising: The majority of tests – 88.3% – was not at all suitable for human consumption.
In 93 percent of the acorn-shaped samples were that “dangerous quantities” of E. coli bacteria.
It is due to the acorn-shaped lumps had come into Spain, by a smuggler had wrapped them in plastic, eaten them, and subsequently fished them up of his droppings. Therefore smelled many of the samples also of the shit, explains José Manuel Moreno Pérez in an interview with The Local, writes Science.dk.
In the goldbar-shaped samples was E. coli bacteria in 29.4% of the samples.
E. coli bacteria is dangerous because it can lead to diarrhea, vomiting, stomach pain and fever – and in some cases it can lead to even more dangerous situations, for example if cancer patients or others with weakened immune systems become infected.
10 percent of all samples contained also Aspergillus, which is a dangerous fungus that can result in serious health problems.
Inhalation of Aspergillus mold can cause serious problems for people who have lung diseases or poor immune response.
It is illegal to sell or import hash in the Spanish capital, even though it is legal even to grow it for personal use in some situations.
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