Esquerra continues to make progress in their nominations european, while Junts per Catalunya, the Crida Nacional and the PDECat continue to encallados. This afternoon the national council of CKD has been approved to partner with the BNG and EH Bildu to participate in elections eurpoeas may 2019. It does so with Oriol Junqueras as number one and has announced today that after the president of the republicans will be Diana Riba , partner of Raül Romeva . The vice-president of the Government and deputy president of the formation, Pere Aragonès, has stated that Junqueras was explicitly called for the competition of Riba in the elections.

An application that Aragonès has stressed that it will serve to bring the european Chamber, the voice of “the people represaliadas”, to emphasize the struggle for the independence of Catalonia , and “find in Europe that justice which denied the Spanish State”. Riba has taken the floor during the national council and has stressed that he took the decision after communicate Romeva that the claimed personally by the leader of CKD. After seeing it clear that “those who want their voice to be locked away in prison, others have to be there to make your voice sound very high and very strong” and give an account of “repression” which, in its judgment exercised by the Spanish State.

The application will serve to “find in Europe that justice which denied the Spanish State”

The announcement comes in the context of the celebration of the Council of Ministers in Barcelona on the day 21 has revolutionized the part of the pro-independence. ERC considers a provocation in the meeting, but believed that an angry response in the streets can be harmful. This noon, Aragonès has insisted in the appeal for calm to the protests resulting in violent acts. “The days come and weeks important, decisive. We will test those who want to impose a false story about what happens in Catalunya, those who want to talk about a false violence”, remarked Aragonès, at the time that you claimed that “trap” the independence should act “civic and peaceful”.

The vice president has pointed out that in Catalonia have taken place in the last few years, the manifestations of “civic and democratic mass of the last decades in Europe” in favour of independence. Thus, it has been demanded that before the Council of Ministers, persists in these values and has asked that “no one fall for provocations”. ERC believes that the implementation of the repúblia Catalan, independence is half a game, so he fears that if it gives a scenario of aggressive, step back in the process pro-sovereignty. “It is the persistence, the ability to generate great partnerships that will make us free”, has defended today Aragonès.

The cause of independence is a cause to overcome the precarious living” Catalunya

During her speech at the national council of Esquerra, the head republican has replicated to Pedro Sanchez, who said that if her possible encounter with Quim Torra, the president of the Generalitat speaks of self-determination, the president of the Government would devote the same time to talk about precarity. “Well, let’s talk about insecurity,” he responded Aragonès, “because it is precisely the cause of independence is a cause to overcome the precarious living” Catalunya. “We do not accept lessons in order to combat precariousness,” he insisted. At this point, the vice-president Catalan has accused Sanchez to approve a spending ceiling of 7,300 million euros to invest in the military field and has ensured that the project of CKD is focused “in a life project” to combat precariousness.