According to the news agency Ansa, it is about two doctors in Florence and Cagliari, who should have been responsible for testing the player in July 2016 and 2017.

La Nazione writes to Astori both times showed up abnormalities in heart rhythm when he did fystester to get the go-ahead to play.

which was started after his death has it, according to the newspaper come forward to Astori suffered from a cardiomyopathy, which caused his death. The question now is whether 31-year-old should have had to undergo additional tests, or have been stopped from the game.

Astori died in his sleep in his hotel room the night before that He would have played against Udinese. All of Sunday’s matches in Serie A was canceled because of the sorrow.

” He was one of the ones that I got the absolute best agree with during my time in Cagliari. Davide was a warm and caring guy who always helped me, both on and off the field. He was a little older than me, so it was a person I came to look up to. It is deeply tragic, such a nice guy, one of the teammates that I really thought a lot about, ” said the swede played Albin Ekdal to Expressen.